昨天花了一天时间,将原先放在免费虚拟主机上的 Flex 留言板,连同数据库数据,全部搬家到了 Google App Engine 上,这里大概说说体会:
1、选 Python 还是选 Java ?
原先的留言板后台是PHP,准备上 GAE 后就得面临这个选择。几经尝试后还是决定选 Java。
本来 Python 功能同样强大,比 Java 更敏捷,主要问题是没有一个好用的 IDE,这就很麻烦。少个冒号、少导入个包,你不会得到任何提示,程序运行起来到满屏的错误清晰,根本无法迅速查找错误,所以最后选择了 Java。语法虽然罗嗦点,但是一切都中规中矩。
2、GAE 速度怎么样?
说实话,很一般,Google 的粉丝不要拍砖哦,我这有证据。下面有两个网址,是同一个的 Flex 留言板程序,数据也一样。
第二个在 GAE 上,自己比较下吧,GAE 要慢很多。
Google App Engine
3、GAE 数据库好使吗?
还不错。但是 Google 应该在现有的 API 上再简单的包装一层,立刻就可以减少 80% 的重复代码。
比如,原先 PHP 版的留言板,在用 CodeIgniter 框架的情况下,插入一条留言,只用一条语句。而现在要几十条语句。只要简单再包装一下,应该可以达到类似的效果。
4、GAE 配额都有什么限制?
限制的种类非常多,但是配额数都够用了。经过三四天的折腾,CPU 也才用了0.06个小时。
其他包括各种 API 调用次数也都是有限制的,我为了搬家,抓取原来的数据,使用了16次 UrlFetch API,好在配额六十多万次,够用了。
用的最多的是 Datastore API ,已经用了一千多次了,但是配额是一千万次,哈哈,够用了吧。
Quotas are reset every 24 hours. Next reset: 2 hours
Resource |
Daily Quota |
Rate |
CPU Time |
0% |
0.06 of 46.30 CPU hours |
Okay |
Requests |
0% |
339 of 1333328 |
Okay |
Outgoing Bandwidth |
0% |
0.01 of 10.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Incoming Bandwidth |
0% |
0.00 of 10.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Secure Requests |
0% |
0 of 1333328 |
Okay |
Secure Outgoing Bandwidth |
0% |
0.00 of 10.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Secure Incoming Bandwidth |
0% |
0.00 of 10.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Datastore API Calls |
0% |
1607 of 10368000 |
Okay |
Stored Data |
0% |
0.00 of 1.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Data Sent to API |
0% |
0.00 of 12.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Data Received from API |
0% |
0.01 of 116.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Datastore CPU Time |
0% |
0.04 of 62.11 CPU hours |
Okay |
Mail API Calls |
0% |
0 of 7000 |
Okay |
Recipients Emailed |
0% |
0 of 2000 |
Okay |
Admins Emailed |
0% |
0 of 5000 |
Okay |
Message Body Data Sent |
0% |
0.00 of 0.06 GBytes |
Okay |
Attachments Sent |
0% |
0 of 2000 |
Okay |
Attachment Data Sent |
0% |
0.00 of 0.10 GBytes |
Okay |
UrlFetch API Calls |
0% |
16 of 657084 |
Okay |
UrlFetch Data Sent |
0% |
0.00 of 4.00 GBytes |
Okay |
UrlFetch Data Received |
0% |
0.00 of 4.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Image Manipulation
Image Manipulation API Calls |
0% |
0 of 864000 |
Okay |
Data Sent to API |
0% |
0.00 of 1.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Data Received from API |
0% |
0.00 of 5.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Transformations executed |
0% |
0 of 2592000 |
Okay |
Memcache API Calls |
0% |
0 of 8640000 |
Okay |
Data Sent to API |
0% |
0.00 of 10.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Data Received from API |
0% |
0.00 of 50.00 GBytes |
Okay |
Deployments |
4% |
9 of 250 |
Okay |
posted on 2009-05-09 14:28
左洸 阅读(2984)
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