分页要自己重写:在 extnd-all-debug重写拿取数据部分
var ds = new Ext.nd.data.DominoViewStore({
proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
url: Ext.nd.extndUrl+'GetView?OpenAgent',
method: "GET"
baseParams: {db: "/"+Ext.nd.Session.CurrentDatabase.FilePath, vw: this.viewName },
reader: viewEntryReader,
remoteSort: true
Option Public
Option Explicit
Sub Initialize
This agent can be called from the web to search any view and return results in the
same format as the ?ReadViewEntries command. This was created for use with the
NotesView2 class v1.3 and above.
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim dbSearch As NotesDatabase
Dim colEntries As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim vwSearch As NotesView
Dim entryResult As NotesViewEntry
Dim docCurrent As NotesDocument
Dim docResult As NotesDocument
Dim col As NotesViewColumn
Dim strQuery As String
Dim strDb As String
Dim strView As String
Dim strCategory As String
Dim intMax As Integer
Dim lngCount As Long, i As Long
Dim lngStart As Long, lngEnd As Long
Dim strParameters As String
Dim lngResults As Long
Dim x,n As Integer
Dim xmlStr,resortdescending ,resortascending As String
Dim nav As NotesViewNavigator
'start the xml document
Print "Content-Type:text/xml;"
Print "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""gb2312""?>"
'first we get the search parameters out of the querystring
'db, vw, query, searchmax, count, and start
Set docCurrent = session.DocumentContext
strParameters = docCurrent.GetItemValue("Query_String")(0)
'Msgbox strParameters
strDb = GetParameter("db",strParameters)
strDb = Replace(Strright(strDb,"/"),"/","\")
strView = GetParameter("vw",strParameters)
strQuery = GetParameter("query",strParameters)
strCategory= GetParameter("RestrictToCategory",strParameters)
intMax = 0
If Isnumeric(GetParameter("searchmax",strParameters)) Then intMax = Cint(GetParameter("searchmax",strParameters))
lngCount = 20
If Isnumeric(GetParameter("count",strParameters)) Then lngCount = Clng(GetParameter("count",strParameters))
lngStart = 1
If Isnumeric(GetParameter("start",strParameters)) Then lngStart = Clng(GetParameter("start",strParameters))
'now we get the view to search
Set dbSearch = session.GetDatabase("",strDb,False)
Set vwSearch = dbSearch.GetView(strView)
'Msgbox resortdescending +" && "+resortascending
'now we run the search
If strCategory="" Then
Set colEntries = vwSearch.AllEntries
Set colEntries = vwSearch.GetAllEntriesByKey(strCategory)
End If
'now we spit out the results
Print "<viewentries toplevelentries=""" & Cstr(lngResults) & """>"
'set the starting point for the loop
If lngStart > lngResults Then lngStart = lngResults
'set the ending point for the loop
lngEnd = lngStart + lngCount - 1
If lngEnd > lngResults Then lngEnd = lngResults
'now loop through the appropriate subset of results and print out a viewentry tag for each one
i = lngStart
While i <= lngEnd
If i = lngStart Then
Set entryResult = colEntries.GetNthEntry(i)
Set entryResult = colEntries.GetNextEntry(entryResult)
End If
If Not entryResult Is Nothing Then
'If Not entryResult Is Nothing And entryResult.IsValid Then
'If entryResult.IsDocument Then
Set docResult = entryResult.Document
Print "<viewentry position=""" & Cstr(i) & """ unid=""" & Cstr(docResult.universalID) & """ noteid=""" & Cstr(docResult.NoteID) & """ siblings=""" & Cstr(entryResult.SiblingCount) & """>"
x = 0
Forall value In entryResult.ColumnValues
Set col=vwSearch.Columns(x)
If Not col.isCategory And Not col.IsHidden Then
Print "<entrydata columnnumber=""" & Cstr(n) & """ name=""" & col.itemName & """>"
Print "<text>" & XMLEscape(GetValue(value,Cstr(docResult.universalID))) & "</text>"
Print "</entrydata>"
End If
x = x + 1
End Forall
Print "</viewentry>"
'End If
End If
i = i + 1
Print "</viewentries>"
''''Msgbox xmlStr
Print xmlStr
Set dbSearch=Nothing
Set vwSearch=Nothing
Exit Sub
Msgbox "<error>" & "Error in ($Ext.nd.SearchView): " & Error & "---at " & Erl & "</error>"
Print "<error>" & "Error in ($Ext.nd.SearchView): " & Error & "---at " & Erl & "</error>"
Resume AtEnd
End Sub
Function GetParameter(strParamName As String, strQuery As String) As String
'this gets a parameter out of a querystring
Dim i As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim v As Variant
GetParameter = ""
i = Instr(Ucase(strQuery),"&" & Ucase(strParamName) & "=")
If i <> 0 Then
s = Strright(Mid(strQuery, i),"=")
If Instr(s, "&") Then
s = Strleft(s, "&")
End If
v = Evaluate("@UrlDecode(""Domino""; """ & s & """)")
GetParameter = Cstr(v(0))
End If
End Function
Function XMLEscape(strValue As String) As String
'this escapes a string so it can be printed out to xml safely
strValue = Replace(strValue, "&" , "&")
strValue = Replace(strValue, "<" , "<")
strValue = Replace(strValue, ">" , ">")
XMLEscape = strValue
End Function
Function GetValue(strValue As Variant,id As String) As String
On Error Goto sErr
'Forall vs In strValue
' Msgbox "vs=" & Cstr(vs)
'End Forall
Exit Function
GetValue="文档" & id
Exit Function
End Function
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