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chomd a+x ktdms-oss-3.6.0-linux-installer.bin


Do you accept this license? [y/n]:

Do you accept this license? [y/n]: y



Select an install location for KnowledgeTree Community Edition

Installation directory [/opt/ktdms]:

Warning: This folder already exists.

Press [Enter] to continue :

我的之前存在ktdms文件夹,先删除了再说rm -rf /opt/ktdms,这是在另外一个终端下进行的。



Select an install location for KnowledgeTree Community Edition

Installation directory [/opt/ktdms]:


Web Server Port

The KnowledgeTree Server Setup Wizard will install the Apache Web Server to serve the KnowledgeTree application. The Apache Web Server is required for KnowledgeTree to function correctly.

By default, Setup installs the Apache Web Server on port 80 if you have sufficient permissions

. Alternatively, port 8080 is used. Accept the default port (appropriate for most installations) or define an alternative port.

Apache Web Server Port [80]:



Enabling SSL support

SSL secures communications between the Web Server and Web Browsers.


When enabling SSL support, Setup generates a temporary, self-signed certificate. To properly i

mplement SSL after completing the KnowledgeTree Server installation, you need to purchase a ce

rtificate from a Certificate Authority and install this replacement on the KnowledgeTree Apach

e Server. Please see the KnowledgeTree Administrator Manual for information on this topic and manually enabling SSL at a later stage.

Enable SSL support? [y/N]:


Generate an SSL Certificate

Please provide the fully qualified domain name of your Web Server below (e.g. www.myserver.com). A certificate is generated for a specific server name and Web Browsers will alert users if the name doesn't match.

MySQL Information

The KnowledgeTree Server Setup Wizard will install the MySQL Database server to store KnowledgeTree-related data. The MySQL Server is required for KnowledgeTree to function correctly.

By default, Setup installs the MySQL Database Server on port 3306. Accept the default port (appropriate for most installations) or define an alternative port.

MySQL Server port [3306]:


Warning: It seems you do not have enough permissions to bind to the port or the

port is already taken by another application. Please select another one.

Press [Enter] to continue :


MySQL Information

The KnowledgeTree Server Setup Wizard will install the MySQL Database server to store KnowledgeTree-related data. The MySQL Server is required for KnowledgeTree to function correctly.

By default, Setup installs the MySQL Database Server on port 3306. Accept the default port (appropriate for most installations) or define an alternative port.

MySQL Server port [3306]:


Database Server Root Password

The bundled MySQL Database Server requires that you provide an administrative ("root") password for it to use. This is a password that you provide the server, and is of your own choosing.

Please note that you should use a secure password, and store the password in a secure location. There are numerous Web resources available for guidance on creating secure passwords.

MySQL Server root password :

Re-enter password :


Database Server User Password

The KnowledgeTree Web Application communicates with the bundled MySQL Database Server via an unprivileged user account ('dms'). Please provide a password for the 'dms' account. This is a password that you provide the server, and is of your own choosing.

Please note that you should use a secure password, and store the password in a secure location. There are numerous Web resources available for guidance on creating secure passwords.

Password :

Re-enter :


Sign-up for new release and security announcements

KnowledgeTree Community Edition can provide you with information about new releases, security alerts, community events and special KnowledgeTree-related commercial offers.

To receive this information your KnowledgeTree installation will provide anonymous usage information to us. This information includes a unique identification number, the number

 of users you have created in your installation, your operating system type, and your IP address. This service is provided by BitRock Inc. and your privacy is protected by the BitRock Network End User Agreement (available on the next screen) and KnowledgeTree Privacy and Data Protection Agreements, where appropriate.

Would you like to receive announcements of new KnowledgeTree releases? [Y/n]: n

KnowledgeTree Privacy and Data Protection Agreements [Y/n]: y


Register to make managing your documents even easier

Register to download the KnowledgeTree Drop Box for Windows, a drag and drop tool that makes placing documents into KnowledgeTree even easier.

[1] Yes, sign me up for the KnowledgeTree Drop Box for Windows

[2] No, I'm quite happy to do it the hard way

Please choose an option [1] : 2

Please Note: We will not share your information with 3rd parties without your consent nor will we send you information not directly related to KnowledgeTree products and services. Please see our Privacy and Data Retention Policies for more information

Check out the KnowledgeTree Drop Box in action... [Y/n]:


The Setup Wizard is now ready to begin installing KnowledgeTree Community Edition on your computer.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]:


Please wait while the Setup Wizard installs KnowledgeTree Community Edition on your computer.


 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%


Host: 64-150-180-247 Date: Thu-Apr-2009: Load: 0.00 0.00 0.00   

/opt/ktdms/dmsctl.sh : mysql started at port 3306

/opt/ktdms/dmsctl.sh : mysql started at port 3306



The Setup Wizard has finished installing KnowledgeTree Community Edition on your computer.

(First time login: username 'admin', password 'admin')

View the KnowledgeTree Welcome Page? [Y/n]:

Log in to KnowledgeTree? [Y/n]:

/opt/ktdms/dmsctl.sh : mysql started at port 3306

64-150-180-247:~/software# Syntax OK

/opt/ktdms/dmsctl.sh : httpd started at port 80

/opt/ktdms/dmsctl.sh : agent started

/opt/ktdms/dmsctl.sh : openoffice started at port 8100

/opt/ktdms/dmsctl.sh : lucene started

/opt/ktdms/dmsctl.sh : scheduler started


posted on 2009-04-18 09:34 草原上的骆驼 阅读(1642) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Linux


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2011-09-28 18:10 | 刘邦

