
A long way and a dream.

gvinum under FreeBSD 6 [转]

Posted on 2007-01-17 09:39 oxl 阅读(881) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 技术感语

1. make all partition by /usr/sbin/sysinstall

Configure -> Fdisk and Label

2. write standard label ( to all disks used by vinum )

bsdlabel -w /dev/da1s1

3. edit disk label , modify “4.2BSD” to “vinum” ( to all disks used by vinum )

bsdlabel -e /dev/da1s1

4. edit a config as below , saved as xxx.conf

drive d1 device /dev/da1s1a
drive d2 device /dev/da2s1a
drive d3 device /dev/da3s1a
drive d4 device /dev/da4s1a
volume data
plex org raid5 491k
sd drive d1
sd drive d2
sd drive d3
sd drive d4

5. create volume

gvinum create xxx.conf

6. add boot loader config

echo ‘geom_vinum_load=”YES”‘ >>/boot/loader.conf

7. reboot

8. make sure the gvinum kernel module was loaded , use “kldstat”

Id Refs Address Size Name
1 4 0xc0400000 63070c kernel
2 1 0xc0a31000 fc5c geom_vinum.ko

9. initialize raid

gvinum start data

( Note : “data” must match the volume name in xxx.conf )

10. check if the initialize finished , use “gvinum list

State: I xx% => State: up

11. format partition

newfs /dev/gvinum/data

( Note : “data” must match the volume name in xxx.conf )

12. turn on soft updates

tunefs -n enable /dev/gvinum/data

13. mount partition ( ex ; mount to /home )

mount /dev/gvinum/data /home

14. edit /etc/fstab

/dev/gvinum/data /home ufs rw 2 2


# re: gvinum under FreeBSD 6 [转]  回复  更多评论   

2007-02-15 04:53 by a freebsd lover
I have been looking for this guide a long time

Thank you so much!!

