

The estimated effort for the tendered prototyping project is low. We estimate it with 10 hours max, including documentation. In addition there should be 1 hour of Skype conference, where you present your solution via Skype.
Task 1: You set up a small OpenStack configuration on a virtual machine provided to you (RHEL on Xen).
The small OpenStack configuration is of your choice. Storage in this prototype is not necessary for user data. However, OpenStack identity will need to store user identification data.

The OpenStack environment has mandatorily to include
• The dashboard (simple configuration) to enable the cloud administrator to control his compute and networking resources.
• OpenStack Identity (from OpenStack Shared Services) enabling to create users and tenants and to define permissions for compute, storage and networking resources. It shall allow three users (user 1, 2and user 3) to read the output of sine wave software-as-a-service (see task 2). Exclusively user 3 shall also be able to define the input parameters. User 4 has no right to see, neither to input data. User names: user1, user2, user3, user4. Passwords: pass1, pass2, pass3, pass4.

Task 2: You virtualize one software program provided to you as a Web service
The software program, which we will provide to you is a little C++ program, reading the input parameters for amplitude and frequency and providing as output a simple sine wave.
Pls implement a low effort input GUI for the users entitled to input data (in the prototype it is only user 3). Just in case that you have designer capabilities, you can off course also provide nicely styled input GUI. In that case we would after submission of the result also discuss with you another job profile – the profile of a GUI designer.
Pls virtualize it as a Web service on OpenStack with a RESTful webAPI.
You can either provide a small purely text-based output GUI or provide a HTML5 Canvas GUI, simple, no framing coordinate system required. Users 1, 2, and 3 can see the output. User 3 does not have access to that GUI.

posted on 2013-06-23 20:52 paulwong 阅读(290) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: OPENSTACK


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