Below, is a list of tools for running automated inspections (static and dynamic analysis) for the Java platform:
- PMD - verify code is adhering to the project’s coding standards
- CheckStyle - verify code is adhering to the project’s coding standards
- CPD - Copy Paste Detector (part of PMD project)
- Simian - Similarity Analyzer
- JDepend - Object-oriented metrics for determining robustness of the architecture
- JavaNCSS - tool for measuring cyclomatic complexity
- SourceMonitor - tool for measuring cyclomatic complexity and general code metrics
- Metrics - Eclipse plugin for gathering many types of code metrics
- Coverlipse - code coverage tool for Eclipse
- JDepend4Eclipse - JDepend plugin for Eclipse
- Cobertura - Code Coverage tool
- FindBugs
- code metrics and analysis tool. Provides more advanced metrics than
the “average” static analysis tools such as security warnings, etc.