极限编程(XP,eXtreme Programming)是一种软件工程方法学,是敏捷软件开发中
[编辑] 历史
极限编程的创始者是肯特·贝克(Kent Beck)、沃德·坎宁安( Ward Cunningham)和罗恩·杰弗里斯(Ron Jeffries),他们在为克莱斯勒综合报酬系统(Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System )(C3) 的薪水册项目工作时提出了极限编程方法。Kent Beck在1996年3月成为C3的项目负责人,开始对项目的开发方法学进行改善。他写了一本关于这个改善后的方法学的书,并且于1999年10月将之发行,这就是《极限编程解析》(2005第二版出版)。克莱斯勒在2000年2月取消了实质上并未成功的C3项目,但是这个方法学却一直流行在软件工程领域中。至今2006年,很多软件开发项目都一直以极限编程做为他们的指导方法学。
该书阐述了如下的极致编程的哲学思想 :
- 一种社会性的变化机制
- 一种开发模式
- 一种改进的方法
- 一种协调生产率和人性的尝试
- 一种软件开发方法
[编辑] 背景
The 90s had seen the great promise of object technologies
launch ambitious projects that in many cases ended in failure. Objects
themselves, while conferring numerous advantages of reuse, were not the
that many had hoped they would be. Fluid, rapidly-changing requirements
demanded shorter lifecycles, and did not go well with more traditional
methods of development, which usually required extensive design up
front and penalized later design changes with higher costs or missed
[编辑] 起源
The Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation project was started in order
to determine the best way to use object technologies, using the payroll
systems at Chrysler as the object of research, with Smalltalk as the language and GemStone as the persistence layer. They brought in Kent Beck, a prominent Smalltalk practitioner, to do performance tuning
on the system, but his role expanded as he noted several issues they
were having with their development process. He took this opportunity to
propose and implement some changes in their practices based on his work
with his frequent collaborator, Ward Cunningham.
- The first time I was asked to lead a team, I asked them to do a
little bit of the things I thought were sensible, like testing and
reviews. The second time there was a lot more on the line. I thought,
"Damn the torpedoes, at least this will make a good article," [and]
asked the team to crank up all the knobs to 10 on the things I thought
were essential and leave out everything else. —[Kent Beck]
Beck invited Ron Jeffries
to the project to help develop and refine these methods. Jeffries
thereafter acted as a kind of coach to instill the practices as habits
in the C3 team.
Information about the principles and practices behind XP was
disseminated to the wider world through discussions on the original WikiWiki, Cunningham's Portland Pattern Repository.
Various contributors dissected and expanded upon the ideas, some
becoming fervent advocates, others becoming critics, and yet others
picking out ideas (see agile software development).
[编辑] 现状
Beck edited a series of books on XP, beginning with his own Extreme Programming Explained,
spreading his ideas to a much larger yet very receptive audience.
Authors in the series went through various aspects attending XP and its
practices, even a book critical of the practices.
XP created quite a buzz in the late nineties and early two
thousands, seeing adoption in a number of different milieus and
environments radically different from its origins.
[编辑] 未来的方向
The high discipline required by the original practices often went by
the wayside, causing certain practices to be deprecated or left undone
on individual sites. Agile development practices have not stood still,
and XP is still evolving, assimilating more lessons from experiences in
the field. In the second edition of Extreme Programming Explained, Beck added more values and practices, and differentiated between primary and corollary practices.
极限编成的推广之一为把不同的敏捷软件实践和传统实践节奏地结合起来,弹性地合用于不同企业开发环境。这就是软件开发节奏(Software Development Rhythms)的中心思想
[编辑] XP的目标
[编辑] XP 核心的实践
极致编程实践作业的核心,正如 Extreme programming explained 所描述的,可以被区分为以下四个范围(12个实践作业):
- 测试驱动开发
- 策划游戏
- 全队(原名:在场客户)
- 结对程序设计
- 简单的设计
- 系统隐喻
- 集体程序码所有
- 程序设计标准/程序设计规约
在第二版的Extreme programming explained中,在主要实践之外,还列出了一系列延伸的实践。
- 开发人员和客户之间的交互是有益的. 因此,一个极致编程的小组从理论上要求需要一个软件使用者在身边,这个使用者制定软件的工作需求和优先等级, 并且尽可能在各种问题出现的时候马上就能回答(实际工作中,这个角色是由客户代理商完成的).
- 如果学习是好的, 那么就把它做到底: 这样减少了开发和回馈周期的长度,测试也能更早完成.
- 简单的代码更可能工作。所以极致编程的程序设计师在一个软件专案中唯写出能够满足目前实际需求的代码,这样或多或少降低了代码的复杂性和重复性.
- 如果简单的代码是好的, 那么把变得复杂的代码改写成简单的.
- 代码评审是好的。因此,极致编程的程序设计师以两人搭档的方式工作. 他们共享一个屏幕和键盘,增加了队员之间的交流,也让代码在一被写出的时候就被人评审了.
- 测试代码是好的。因此,在极致编程中,测试用例在实际代码之前就被写出来了. 代码只有在通过测试的时候才被认为完成了.
(当然,需要进一步分解来降低复杂性). 整个软件系统用一种周期化的,实时的,被预先变好的自动化测试方式来保证它的确有作用.参看 测试驱动的开发.
- 一般来说,极致编程被认为对于少于12人的小团队很有用。一些人认为极致编程可以用于大的团队,但是其它人认为统一软件程序更适合大的团队。然
而,极致编程在一些超过100人的开发小组中获得成功. 并不是极致编程不能够推广到更大的团队,而是很少有更大的团队来试著用它.
[编辑] XP的价值
极限编程技术可以被看成是在开发小组的成员之间迅速构建与传播制度上的认识的一种方法(Extreme Programming
techniques can be viewed as methods for rapidly building and
disseminating institutional knowledge among members of a development
- 来自系统的反馈:通过编写单元测试,程序员能够很直观的得到经过修改后系统的状态。
- 来自客户的反馈:功能性测试是由客户还有测试人员来编写的。他们能由此得知当前系统的状态。这样的评审一般计划2、3个礼拜进行一次,这样客户可以非常容易的了解、掌控开发的进度。
- 来自小组的反馈:当客户带着新需求来参加项目计划会议时,小组可以直接对于实现新需求所需要的时间进行评估然后反馈给客户。
反馈是与“交流”、“简单”这两条价值紧密联系的。为了沟通系统中的缺陷,可以通过编写单元测试,简单的证明某一段代码存在问题。来自系统的直接反馈信息将提醒程序员注意这一部分。用户可以以定义好的功能需求为依据,对系统进行周期性的测试。用Kent Beck的话来说:“编程中的乐观主义是危险的,而及时反馈则是解决它的方法。”
[编辑] 勇气
[编辑] 尊重
[编辑] 原则
[编辑] 快速反馈
[编辑] 假设简单
[编辑] 增量变化
[编辑] 包容变化
[编辑] 活动
XP 描述了在软件开发过程中四种基本的行为。 XP describes four basic activities that are performed within the software development process.
XP的提倡者争辩说在系统开发过程的产物中真正重要的只有编码(a concept to which they give a
somewhat broader definition than might be given by others)。没有编码你一无所有。
The advocates of XP argue that the only truly important product of the
system development process is code (a concept to which they give a
somewhat broader definition than might be given by others). Without
coding you have nothing.
Coding can be drawing diagrams that will generate code, scripting a
web-based system or programming an object-oriented C# program that
needs to be compiled.
Coding can also be used to figure out the most suitable solution.
For instance, XP would advocate that faced with several alternatives
for a programming problem, one should simply code all solutions and
determine with automated tests (discussed in the next section) what
solution is most suitable.
Coding can also help to communicate thoughts about programming
problems. A programmer dealing with a complex programming problem and
finding it hard to explain the solution to fellow programmers might
code it and use the code to demonstrate what he or she means. Code, say
the exponents of this position, is always clear and concise and cannot
be interpreted in more than one way. Other programmers can give
feedback on this code by also coding their thoughts.
作)。 在软件开发程序中,极致编程认为,如果一个函数没有经过测试就不能认为它可以工作。 This raises the question of
defining what one can be uncertain about.
- You can be uncertain whether what you coded is what you meant. To
test this uncertainty, XP uses Unit Tests. These are automated tests
that test the code. The programmer will try to write as many tests he
or she can think of that might break the code he or she is writing; if
all tests run successfully then the coding is complete.
- You can be uncertain whether what you meant is what you should have
meant. To test this uncertainty, XP uses acceptance tests based on the
requirements given by the customer in the exploration phase of release
[编辑] 倾听
Programmers don't necessarily know anything about the business side
of the system development. The function of the system is determined by
the business side. For the programmers to find what the functionality
of the system should be, they have to listen to business.
Programmers have to listen "in the large": they have to listen what
the customer needs. Also, they have to try to understand the business
problem, and to give the customer feedback about his or her problem, to
improve the customer's own understanding of his or her problem.
Communication between the customer and programmer is further addressed in The Planning Game (see below).
From the point of view of simplicity, one could say that system
development doesn't need more than coding, testing and listening. If
those activities are performed well, the result should always be a
system that works. In practice, that will not work. One can come a far
way without designing but at a given time one will get stuck. The
system becomes too complex and the dependencies within the system cease
to be clear.
One can avoid this by creating a design structure that organizes the
logic in the system. Good design will avoid lots of dependencies within
a system; this means that changing one part of the system will not
affect other parts of the system.
[编辑] 实践
[编辑] 策划游戏
在极致编程中主要的策划程序称为策划游戏。 本节将通过程序模型介绍这个程序。
- 发布策划: This is focused on determining what requirements are included
in which release and when it’s going to be delivered. The customers and
developers are both part of this. Release Planning consists of three
- Exploration Phase: In this phase the customer will give all his
requirements for the system. These will be written down on user story
- Commitment Phase: Within the commitment phase business and
development will commit themselves to the functionality that will be
included and the date of the next release.
- Steering Phase: In the steering phase the plan can be adjusted, new
requirements can be added and or existing requirements can be changed
or removed.
- 反覆状态: This plans the activities and tasks of the developers. In
this process the customer is not involved. Iteration Planning also
consists of three phases:
- Exploration Phase: Within this phase the requirement will be
translated to different tasks. The tasks are recorded on task cards.
- Commitment Phase: The tasks will be assigned to the programmers and the time it takes to complete will be estimated.
- Steering Phase: The tasks are performed and the end the result is matched with the original user story.
[编辑] Exploration phase – Release planning
This is an iterative process of gathering requirements and estimating the work impact of each of those requirements.
- Get Requirement from Customer: Business has come with a problem;
during a meeting, development will try to define this problem and get
- Write a Story: Based on the business problem, a story has to be
written. This is done by business, where they point out what they want
a part of the system to do. It is important that development has no
influence on this story for so far the functionality. The story is
written on a so called user story card.
- Split a Story: If development isn't able to estimate the story
(next item), it needs to be split up and written again. Again, this may
not influence the business requirements.
- Estimate a Story: Development estimates how long it will take to implement the work implied by the story card.
When business cannot come up with any more requirements, one proceeds to the commitment phase.
Image:Expl rp.gif
[编辑] 送出状态 – 发布计划
- 按照价值排序:业务方按照商业价值为使用者故事排序。
- 按风险排序:开发方按风险为使用者故事排序。
- 设定周转率:开发方决定以怎样的速度开展专案。
- 选择范围:挑选在下一个发布中需要被完成的使用者故事,基于使用者故事决定发布日期。
[编辑] 价值排序
- 关键:没有这些故事系统无法运作或变得毫无意义。
- 重要的商业价值:有重要业务价值的非关键使用者故事。
- 最好能有:并没有重要商业价值的使用者故事;例如在可用性或使用者界面上的改进。
[编辑] 风险排序
- 决定风险索引:依照以下因素给每个使用者故事一个0到2的索引:
- 完全度(我们是否已经了解所有的故事细节?)
- 发散性(可能会发生变化吗?)
- 复杂度(是否难以建构?)
[编辑] 激励状态 – 发布计划
[编辑] 探索阶段- 反覆计划
- 收集使用者故事:收集并编辑下一个发布的所有使用者故事。
- 组合/分割任务:如果程序设计师因为任务太大或太小而不能预估任务完成时间,则需要组合或分割此任务。
- 预估任务:预测需要实作此任务的时间。
[编辑] 约定阶段 - 反覆计划
- 程序设计师接受任务:每个程序设计师都挑选一个他/她负责的任务。
- 程序设计师预估任务:由于程序设计师对此任务负责,他/她必须给出一个完成任务的估计时间。
- 设定负载系数:负载系数表示每个程序设计师在一个反覆中理想的开发时间。比如:一周工作40小时,其中5小时用于开会,则负载系数不会超过35小时。
- 平衡:当团队中所有程序设计师都已经被配置了任务,便会在预估时间和负载系数间做出比较。任务配置在程序设计师中达到平衡。如果有一个程序设计师的开发任务过重,其它程序设计师必须接手他/她的一部分任务,反之亦然。
[编辑] 作业阶段 - 反覆计划
- 取得一张任务卡片:程序设计师取得一张由他/她负责的任务的卡片。
- 找寻一名同伴:这个程序设计师将和另一位程序设计师一同完成开发工作。这在实施结队程序设计中会做更深入的探讨。
- 设计这个任务:如果需要,两位程序设计师会设计这个任务所达成的功能。
- 编辑单元测试:在程序设计师开始编辑实作功能的程序码之前,他/她们首先编辑自动测试。这在实施单元测试中会做更深入的探讨。
- 编辑程序码:两位程序设计师开始编辑程序码。
- 执行测试:执行单元测试来确定程序码能正常工作。
- 执行功能测试:执行功能测试(基于相关使用者故事和任务卡片中的需求)。
结对不是固定的: 我们甚至建议程序设计师尽量交叉结对。这样,每个人都可以知道其它人的工作,每个人都对整个系统熟悉,结对程序设计加强了团队内的沟通。 (这与程序码集体所有制是息息相关的).
[编辑] 集体所有制
[编辑] 现场客户
[编辑] 重构
[编辑] 具争议性的问题
Extreme Programming also has its share of controversial aspects:
- Detailed specifications are not created or preserved.
- Programmers are required to work in pairs - not all software developers expect to be asked to work this way.
- There is no Big Design Up Front. Most of the design activity
takes place on the fly and incrementally, starting with "the simplest
thing that could possibly work" and adding complexity only when it's
required by failing tests. This could result in more re-design effort
than only re-designing when requirements change.
- A customer representative is attached to the project. This role can become a single-point-of-failure for the project and some people have found it to be a source of stress.
In 2003, Matt Stephens and Doug Rosenberg
published a book under Beck's XP series imprint called "Extreme
Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP" which questioned the value
of the XP process and suggested ways in which it could be improved
(i.e. refactored). This triggered a lengthly debate in articles,
internet newsgroups and web-site chat areas. The core argument of the
book is that XP's practices are interdependent but that few practical
organisations are willing/able to adopt all the practices; therefore
the entire process fails. The book also makes other criticisms and it
draws a likeness of XP's "collective ownership" model to socialism (the authors appear to regard this as undesirable).
Certain aspects of XP have changed since the book was published, in
particular XP now accomodates modifications to the practices as long as
the required objectives are still met. It also uses increasingly
generic terms for processes. Some argue that these changes invalidate
previous criticisms; others claim that this is simply watering the
process down.
Recently, authors have attempted to reconcile XP with the older methods that XP sought to replace (such as the waterfall method) in order to offer a unified method. See http://www.lux-seattle.com/resources/whitepapers/waterfall.htm for an example.
[编辑] 极致编程的特征
- 开发人员和客户之间的交互是有益的. 因此,一个极致编程的小组从理论上要求需要一个软件使用者在身边,这个使用者制定软件的工作需求和优先等级, 并且尽可能在各种问题出现的时候马上就能回答.
- 如果学习是好的, 那么就把它做到底: 这样减少了开发和回馈周期的长度,测试也能更早完成.
- 简单的程序码更可能工作。所以极致编程的程序设计师在一个软件专案中唯写出能够满足目前实际需求的程序码,这样或多或少降低了程序码的复杂性和重复性.
- 如果简单的程序码是好的, 那么把变得复杂的程序码改写成简单的.
- 程序码评审是好的。因此,极致编程的程序设计师以两人搭档的方式工作. 他们共享一个萤幕和键盘,增加了队员之间的交流,也让程序码在一被写出的时候就被人评审了.
- 测试程序码是好的。因此,在极致编程中,测试用例在实际程序码之前就被写出来了. 程序码只有在通过测试的时候才被认为完成了. (当然,需要进一步分解来降低复杂性). 整个软件系统用一种周期化的,实时的,被预先变好的自动化测试方式来保证它的确有作用.参看 测试驱动的开发.
一般来说,极致编程被认为对于少于12人的小团队很有用。一些人认为极致编程可以用于大的团队,但是其它人认为统一软件程序更适合大的团队。然而,极致编程在一些超过100人的开发小组中获得成功. 并不是极致编程不能够推广到更大的团队,而是很少有更大的团队来试著用它. 极致编程的人员也拒绝去随便推测这个问题.
[编辑] 争论的观点
[编辑] 极致编程中的沟通
[编辑] 参考资料
[编辑] 外部连线