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    ROME不仅包括各种syndication feeds的解析器与生成器,而且还包括能够把一种格式转换成另外一种格式的转换器。

  • Tutorials

    The following tutorials show how to use the ROME API. They focus on the higher abstraction layer of classes offered by ROME, what we call the Synd* classes. By using the Synd* classes developers don't have to deal with the specifics of any syndication feed. They work with normalized feeds, the Synd* feeds. This makes it much easier to write applications that have to deal with all the variety of syndication feed types in use today.

    1. Using ROME to read a syndication feed
    2. Using ROME to convert a syndication feed from one type to another
    3. Using ROME to aggregate many syndication feeds into a single one
    4. Using ROME to create and write a feed
    5. Defining a Custom Module bean, parser and generator
    6. Using ROME within a Servlet to create and return a feed

    For instructions on how to build and run the samples used in the tutorials click here.

    posted on 2008-04-11 17:01 周锐 阅读(356) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

