So, here is my version, using the cache backend:
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
CACHE_KEY = '%s_online_user_ids' % Site.objects.get_current().domain
_last_purged = datetime.now()
def get_online_user_ids():
user_dict = cache.get(CACHE_KEY)
return hasattr(user_dict, 'keys') and user_dict.keys() or []
class OnlineUsers(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.is_anonymous():
user_dict = cache.get(CACHE_KEY)
if not user_dict:
# initialization
user_dict = {}
now = datetime.now()
user_dict[request.user.id] = now
# purge
global _last_purged
if _last_purged + timedelta(minutes=ONLINE_MINUTES) < now:
purge_older_than = now - timedelta(minutes=ONLINE_MINUTES)
for user_id, last_seen in user_dict.items():
if last_seen < purge_older_than:
_last_purged = now
cache.set(CACHE_KEY, user_dict, 60*60*24)
This stores a dictionary in the form: {user_id: last_seen_time, ...}
in the cache and updates the cache once for every request by an
authenticated user.
An alternative would be to store a structure like Jeremy's,
{minute_seen: set(user_id, ...), ...} which I think will result in
nearly the same amount of cache hits on average.
I would like to hear your comments.
posted on 2009-07-08 08:41
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