读书笔记-《Algorithms in Java》-第一章-07/10/12

Posted on 2007-10-13 08:40 Raylong 阅读(1089) 评论(3)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 读书笔记
2007年10月12日 8:35:57

9、Our problem is to devise a program that can remember sufficient information about the pairs it has seen to be able to decide whether or not a new pair of objects is connected. Informally, we refer to the task of designing such a method as the connectivity problem. This problem arises in a number of important applications.
(看起来没什么复杂的算法,是因为规模小,10个配对用人脑就能算出来。it possible for a human to do。可是在大型应用中就不能,internet有多少的网络节点?需要计算机集群了吧!)

For example, the integers might represent computers in a large network, and the pairs might represent connections in the network. Then, our program might be used to determine whether we need to establish a new direct connection for p and q to be able to communicate or whether we could use existing connections to set up a communications path.

Similarly, the integers might represent contact points in an electrical network, and the pairs might represent wires connecting the points. In this case, we could use our program to find a way to connect all the points without any extraneous connections, if that is possible.

10、We are asking for a program that does a specific and well-defined task. There are many other related problems that we might want to have solved as well.
For example, our connectivity-problem specification requires only that our program somehow know whether or not any given pair p-q is connected, and not that it be able to demonstrate any or all ways to connect that pair. Adding a requirement for such a specification makes the problem more difficult and would lead us to a different family of algorithms


12、Organizing our algorithms in terms of these abstract operations does not seem to foreclose any options in solving the connectivity problem, and the operations may be useful for solving other problems.


1.1 Give the output that a connectivity algorithm should produce when given the input 0-2, 1-4, 2-5, 3-6, 0-4, 6-0, and 1-3.
0-2    0-2
1-4    1-4
2-5    2-5
3-6    3-6
0-4    0-4
6-0    6-0
1-3    3-6-0-4-1

1.2 List all the different ways to connect two different objects for the example in Figure 1.1.
2-9    2-3-4-9        9-4-3-2
0-2    0-8-4-3-2    2-9-4-8-0

1.3 Describe a simple method for counting the number of sets remaining after using the union and find operations to solve the connectivity problem as described in the text.

14、The first step in the process of developing an efficient algorithm to solve a given problem is to implement a simple algorithm that solves the problem. If we need to solve a few particular problem instances that turn out to be easy, then the simple implementation may finish the job for us. If a more sophisticated algorithm is called for, then the simple implementation provides us with a correctness check for small cases and a baseline for evaluating performance characteristics. We always care about efficiency, but our primary concern in developing the first program that we write to solve a problem is to make sure that the program is a correct solution to the problem.


# re: 读书笔记-《Algorithms in Java》-第一章-07/10/12  回复  更多评论   

2007-11-02 09:58 by zhrb
1.2 List all the different ways to connect two different objects for the example in Figure 1.1.
connectivity problem 是不是指一个具体的问题呢?

# re: 读书笔记-《Algorithms in Java》-第一章-07/10/12  回复  更多评论   

2007-11-02 10:05 by Raylong
习题的题干没给出来,所以你看不懂 呵呵


# re: 读书笔记-《Algorithms in Java》-第一章-07/10/12  回复  更多评论   

2007-12-08 17:36 by wǒ愛伱--咾婆

