Synchronizing Large Applications
When your environment contains large applications to synchronize or
available memory is constrained, you can adjust the JVM options to limit memory
usage. This adjustment reduces the possibility of receiving out of memory
errors. The instance synchronization JVM uses default settings, but you can
configure JVM options to change them.
Set the JVM options using the INSTANCE-SYNC-JVM-OPTIONS property.
The command to set the property is:
asadmin set"JVM_options"
For example:
asadmin set"-Xmx32m -Xss2m"
In this example, the node agent is node0 and the
JVM options are -Xmx32m -Xss2m.
For more information, see
Another example:
bin/asadmin set"-Xmx512m"
Note –
Restart the node agent after changing the INSTANCE-SYNC-JVM-OPTIONS
property, because the node agent is not automatically synchronized when a
property is added or changed in its configuration.
Using the doNotRemoveList Flag
If your application requires to store and read files in the directories
(applications, generated, docroot, config, lib, java-web-start) that are synchronized
by the Application Server, use the doNotRemoveList flag.
This attribute takes a coma-separated list of files or directories. Your application
dependent files are not removed during server startup, even if they do not
exist in the central repository managed by DAS. If the same file exists in
the central repository, they will be over written during synchronization.
Use the INSTANCE-SYNC-JVM-OPTIONS property to pass
in the doNotRemoveList attribute.
For example:
<node-agent name="na1" ...>
posted on 2009-01-22 12:17
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