After untar, this is what I ran
make TARGET=linux26 PREFIX=/usr/local/site/haproxy install
config attached
haproxy is run as haproxy -f <config-file>
Config designed to run from foreground so we can use supervise to
control. There is an init file in the tarball, you can adjust the config
vi conf/haproxy.cfg-old
maxconn 16000
timeout server 50000
balance roundrobin
frontend api *:9090
timeout client 50000
mode http
acl secure_content url_sub foobar
block if secure_content
default_backend glassfish
backend glassfish
timeout connect 5000
mode http
option forwardfor
#option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
server dserver1 check inter 1000
server dserver2 check inter 1000
posted on 2009-07-06 18:22
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