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今天安装了Flex Builder 3,进入之后感觉界面非常的熟悉.类Eclipse.当我建了一个Flex项目之后打开主文件切换到'设计视图'却发现出现了以下字样. "This component is based on Application, which is not a visual component. Switch to source mode to edit it" 一句话,我们的设计视图不可用了.
解决办法: 选择"windows->Preferences" 展开了Flex,点选Installed Flex SDKs ,你会发现有两个复选框. 选择Flex 2.0.1 Hotfix 3 再保存一下你就会发现设计视图马上就可以用了.

这样虽然可以解决这个问题,但是貌似只能使用Flex SDK2的版本了,搜素资料,暂时没找到其他方法,不知道是不是因为使用了破解版的原因,还有人说已经报为Flex Builder的一个bug。只能继续等待,看是否有其他方法了。
posted on 2008-11-10 22:19 seal 阅读(2415) 评论(6)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Flex+ActionScript


# re: Flex Builder 3 问题:"This component is based on Application, which is not a visual component. Switch to source mode to edit it"[未登录] 2008-11-22 18:15 levin
我也遇到了这样的问题...谢谢你的解决办法~  回复  更多评论

# re: Flex Builder 3 问题:"This component is based on Application, which is not a visual component. Switch to source mode to edit it" 2008-11-27 18:39 nistlrooy
你这个办法治标不治本,adobe上有这个问题的解决方法,只要升级到最新版本就ok了  回复  更多评论

# re: Flex Builder 3 问题:"This component is based on Application, which is not a visual component. Switch to source mode to edit it" 2009-02-19 23:33 hanson
顶。  回复  更多评论

# re: Flex Builder 3 问题:"This component is based on Application, which is not a visual component. Switch to source mode to edit it" 2009-04-02 03:30 Stormer
升级SDK到最新,还是IDE到最新版本? @nistlrooy
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# re: Flex Builder 3 问题:"This component is based on Application, which is not a visual component. Switch to source mode to edit it" 2009-06-25 22:45 liwentao
Steps to reproduce:
1. Download the Flex SDK Version
2. Add the Flex SDK to your Flex Builder Workspace (here I use Flex Builder 3.0.1)
3. Open an existing Flex MXML component in the design view. I have opened several components that I designed in the design view before!
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# re: Flex Builder 3 问题:"This component is based on Application, which is not a visual component. Switch to source mode to edit it" 2009-09-03 10:17 cmmjava
Thank you!  回复  更多评论

