# re: 换个角度理解GC 回复 更多评论
2006-04-28 09:33 by
If you are using the NewsGator, I suggest you may use the FeedDemon, a desktop RSS reader application. FeedDemon was purchased by NewsGator and the latest version can tightly integrate with NewsGator, ie, sync the feed between the FeedDemon and NewsGator Online, mark "star" for the feeds at both side, etc.
# re: 换个角度理解GC 回复 更多评论
2006-04-28 10:25 by
Thanks for the recommendation. In fact I have been using FeedDemon 2.0 Trial for sometime now. It turns out there still are some drawbacks, of which I would not pay $29.95 for. But thanks anyway.
For me, the drawbacks include:
1- The sync feature does not work properly if you have sub-folders on the Web Reader.
2- The tabbed browsing does not feel right or normal as compared with Firefox (maybe i can configure it to use firefox instead but i would not bother to try that now).
3- Also, for some, if not most, of my reading, I live under Ubuntu Linux, where FeedDemon does not suit itself very well.
4- What is the point to use an offline-enabled rich-client these days which is not so "feature-rich" as compared with its web-based counterpart when one can easily get connected 7x24?
Maybe I will keep trying new versions of FeedDemon in the future, but for now, I guess I'll do just fine with Newsgator Online. :-)
# re: 换个角度理解GC 回复 更多评论
2006-04-28 15:16 by
To Harryson,
如果实在无从下手,你可以到NewsGator.com或者Bloglines.com上面注册一个账户先,它们都提供一些现成的RSS Feed供你选择。
# re: 换个角度理解GC 回复 更多评论
2006-04-28 15:37 by