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[新闻] Ubuntu Linux 6.10发布

Posted on 2006-10-28 16:24 laogao 阅读(668) 评论(5)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Operating SystemsWeb Clips

# Tomboy记事工具,电子版报事贴软件
# F-Spot图片管理,类似Picasa
# GNOME 2.16桌面系统
# Upstart,新的启动daemon
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# Evolution邮件客户端

Tomboy和F-Spot可能是目前Mono应用中最成功的两个项目了。比较遗憾的是Canonical这次对于新版的Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)并没有提供Shipit免费寄送光盘服务,它的Shipit服务目前仍然是6.06 LTS版,当然,你还是可以在相当多的镜像服务器免费下载到最新的ISO。


# re: [新闻] Ubuntu Linux 6.10发布  回复  更多评论   

2006-10-29 12:37 by xiaosilent
据说 Edgy 不是很稳定.所以,还是抱着Dapper再观望中....


# re: [新闻] Ubuntu Linux 6.10发布  回复  更多评论   

2006-10-29 14:20 by 大胃


# re: [新闻] Ubuntu Linux 6.10发布  回复  更多评论   

2006-10-31 23:45 by jigsaw

take for instance, try installing ubuntu with a really big LCD, say, DELL 2001 FP, and you will find it fails to init.

but even an ancient freebsd 4.11 gets well with it.

apt, rpm, yum are handy tools for greenhorns, but if u are not in love with make/automake, chances are u still belong to low-end linux user group.

port of freebsd, a huge collection of makefiles, is the best of all as far as i know.

and if u go along with freebsd for quite some time, u will see that it's much easier to hack the kernel of bsd than to do that with linux.

sometimes u will need to hack the kernel - even just for fun.

# re: [新闻] Ubuntu Linux 6.10发布  回复  更多评论   

2006-10-31 23:48 by jigsaw
ubuntu might be the most user friendly distribution on earth. but here the word *user* actually stands for *greenhorn*.

# re: [新闻] Ubuntu Linux 6.10发布  回复  更多评论   

2006-11-01 08:07 by 大胃
Thanks for your input.

yes you are probably right. I personally have tried other Linux distros, BSDs, and even Solaris. I admit it would be much fun to go through make, make install etc. or even hack into the kernel, or source code of other GNU app, to get what you specifically needed, to have the ultimate feeling of being in control of everything.

however, on the other hand, I don't feel it anyhow shameful to be a "greenhorn". Sometimes we need computers to be serving us right away out-of-the-box, to behave as any normal personnel or corporation expects, without too much hacking. Sometimes it's a matter of getting things done, rather than having our fun.

Wouldn't you agree?

Besides, there are still many many ppl out there wondering whether they'd be OK to make the jump from Windows. I'm not sure if such a trend appeals to you, as I know some Linux/BSD ppl see such a thing as a bad phenomenon, but for me it's a big YES.

