print 'sp_hotobjects'
use sybsystemprocs
drop proc sp_hotobjects
create procedure sp_hotobjects
@interval char(12) = "", /* time interval string */
@interval_sample char(12) = "00:05:00" /* sample interval every 5 minutes by default */
declare @TmpTime datetime /* temporary datetime variable */
declare @Seconds int /* Interval converted to seconds */
declare @Endtime datetime
create table #hotobjects_totals
(dbname char(30) not null,
objname char(30) not null,
lockcount int null,
locktable int null,
lockshared int null,
lockexclusive int null,
lockrow int null,
lockpage int null,
lockblk int null
create table #hotobjects
(dbname char(30) not null,
objname char(30) not null,
lockcount int null,
locktype int not null,
primary key(dbname, objname, locktype))
/* loop for the interval specified */
select @TmpTime = convert(datetime, @interval)
select @Seconds = datepart(hour,@TmpTime)*3600+datepart(minute,@TmpTime)*60+datepart(second,@TmpTime)
select @Endtime = dateadd(second, @Seconds, getdate())
/* create a holding table */
select dbname, objname into #hotobjects_holding
from #hotobjects where 1=2
while (getdate() < @Endtime)
/* populate the initial records */
delete from #hotobjects
insert into #hotobjects(dbname, objname, lockcount, locktype)
select distinct db_name(dbid), object_name(id,dbid), count(type), type from master..syslocks
where object_name(id,dbid) not like "#%" -- and object_name(id,dbid) not like "sys%"
and object_name(id,dbid) not like "hot%" group by type
waitfor delay @interval_sample
/* add a record into #hotobjects_totals if it does not exist */
if not exists(select 1 from #hotobjects_totals TOT, #hotobjects HOT
where TOT.dbname = HOT.dbname and TOT.objname = HOT.objname)
/* add this new lock record */
/* populate a holding table */
delete from #hotobjects_holding
insert into #hotobjects_holding
select distinct dbname, objname from #hotobjects
/* now delete from the holding table all records we have done before */
delete from #hotobjects_holding
from #hotobjects_holding HOLD, #hotobjects_totals TOT
where HOLD.dbname = TOT.dbname and HOLD.objname = TOT.objname
/* what is left is the new records.....add these into the totals table */
insert into #hotobjects_totals(dbname, objname, lockcount, locktable, lockshared,
lockexclusive, lockrow, lockpage, lockblk)
select distinct HOLD.dbname, HOLD.objname, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0
from #hotobjects_holding HOLD
/* from here on we will update this record */
update #hotobjects_totals
set lockcount = TOT.lockcount + HOT.lockcount
from #hotobjects_totals TOT, #hotobjects HOT
where TOT.dbname = HOT.dbname and TOT.objname = HOT.objname
update #hotobjects_totals
set locktable = locktable + HOT.lockcount
from #hotobjects_totals TOT, #hotobjects HOT
where TOT.dbname = HOT.dbname and TOT.objname = HOT.objname
and HOT.locktype in (1,2)
update #hotobjects_totals
set lockshared = lockshared + HOT.lockcount
from #hotobjects_totals TOT, #hotobjects HOT
where TOT.dbname = HOT.dbname and TOT.objname = HOT.objname
and HOT.locktype in (2,6,9)
update #hotobjects_totals
set lockexclusive = lockexclusive + HOT.lockcount
from #hotobjects_totals TOT, #hotobjects HOT
where TOT.dbname = HOT.dbname and TOT.objname = HOT.objname
and HOT.locktype in (1,5,8)
update #hotobjects_totals
set lockrow = lockrow + HOT.lockcount
from #hotobjects_totals TOT, #hotobjects HOT
where TOT.dbname = HOT.dbname and TOT.objname = HOT.objname
and HOT.locktype in (8,9,10)
update #hotobjects_totals
set lockpage = lockpage + HOT.lockcount
from #hotobjects_totals TOT, #hotobjects HOT
where TOT.dbname = HOT.dbname and TOT.objname = HOT.objname
and HOT.locktype in (5,6,7)
update #hotobjects_totals
set lockblk = lockblk + HOT.lockcount
from #hotobjects_totals TOT, #hotobjects HOT
where TOT.dbname = HOT.dbname and TOT.objname = HOT.objname
and HOT.locktype > 255 and HOT.locktype < 269
select "In " + rtrim(dbname) + "the table " + rtrim(objname) + " had " +
when locktable > 1 then "table level, "
when lockshared > 1 then "shared, "
when lockexclusive > 1 then "exclusive, "
when lockrow > 1 then "row, "
when lockpage > 1 then "page, "
when lockblk > 1 then "blocking "
+ " locks"
from #hotobjects_totals
return (0)
grant exec on sp_hotobjects to public