随笔-11  评论-5  文章-1  trackbacks-0
import  java.io. * ;
import  java.util.prefs. * ;
import  java.sql. * ;
import  jxl. * ;
import  jxl.write. * ;
import  java.util. * ;
import  java.util.Properties;
import  com.lowagie.text. * ;
import  com.lowagie.text.pdf. * ;
import  java.awt.Color;

 *effect:from database reading values ,output regedit or text or xml or excel or pdf.
 *create time:2004/6/8
 *modify time:2004/6/9

public   class  PrefsDemo  {

static  Preferences prefsdemo;
static  String[] field = new   String[ 1000 ];
static  String [] values = new  String[ 1000 ];
static   int  account = 0 ,maxCount = 0 ;
static  String path = null ,driver = null ,user = null ,password = null ,odbcname = null ;
static  String txtname = null ,xmlname = null ,excelname = null ,pdfname = null ,sql = null ;
static  String author = null ,createtime = null ,effect = null ,version = null ;

public   static   void  main(String args[]) {
   String rnumber
= null ;
int  number = 0 ;
   BufferedReader buf;

// initialize config file
// connection database
// goto enterLoop
while (number <= 6 ) {
try {
// choice output formatting
     System.out.println( " please choice input formatting!!! " );
" 1:input regedit   2:input xml   3:input text " );
"    4:excel   5:pdf   6:all   7:exit " );
" input a number,not a character: " );
// keyword input
     buf = new  BufferedReader( new  InputStreamReader(System.in));
= buf.readLine();
// change "number" type
     number = Integer.parseInt(rnumber);
if (number > 7 ) {
" please input an number of between 1 to 7  " );
= 0 ;
continue  enterLoop;

switch (number) {
case   1 :
// output regedit
                      RegeditOutput();  break ;
case   2 :
// output xml
                      XmlOutput();      break ;
case   3 :
// output text
                      TextOutput();     break ;
case   4 :
// output excel
                      ExcelOutput();    break ;
case   5 :
// output excel
                      PdfOutput();    break ;
case   6 :
// output all
break ;


catch (IOException e) {System.err.println(e);}
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
" please input an number type! " );
= 0 ;
continue  enterLoop;



/** ***********************************************
   *effect:initialize config file
   *input value :null
   *return value:null
   *create time:2004/6/11
   *edit time:null

static   void  Initconfig() {

   Properties prop 
=   new  Properties();
   String propFileName 
=   " config.properties " ;
   FileInputStream fis;

try {
=   new  FileInputStream( new  File(propFileName));
// get config file's values
     path  =  prop.getProperty( " path " );
=  prop.getProperty( " odbc " );
=  prop.getProperty( " driver " );
=  prop.getProperty( " user " );
=  prop.getProperty( " password " );

=  prop.getProperty( " txtname " );
=  prop.getProperty( " xmlname " );
=  prop.getProperty( " excelname " );
=  prop.getProperty( " pdfname " );

=  prop.getProperty( " author " );
=  prop.getProperty( " createtime " );
=  prop.getProperty( " effect " );
=  prop.getProperty( " version " );

=  prop.getProperty( " sql " );

// close inputstream

" ************************* " );
" *config read successfull* " );
" ************************* " );

catch (IOException e) {System.err.println(e);}

/** ***********************************************
   *effect:connection database
   *input value :null
   *return value:null
   *create time:2004/6/9
   *edit time:null

static   void  DBconnection() {
// jdbc-odbc variable initialize
   Connection con = null ;
   Statement stm
= null ;
   ResultSet rs
= null ;

// jdbc-odbc bridge
    try {
= DriverManager.getConnection(odbcname,user,password);
= con.createStatement();
= stm.executeQuery(sql);

// get columncount values
        account = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();

" ************************* " );
" *DB connect successfull * " );
" ************************* " );
// get database ColumnName
         for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= account;i ++ ) {
= rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i);

while (rs.next()) {
for ( int  j = 1 ;j <= account;j ++ ) {
++ maxCount;
= rs.getString(field[j]);


// close database

catch (Exception e) {


/** ***********************************************
   *effect:output regedit
   *input value :null
   *return value:null
   *create time:2004/6/9
   *edit time:null

static   void  RegeditOutput() {
=  Preferences.userRoot().node( " /com/sunway/spc " );

// wirte regedit
 prefsdemo.put( " author " ,author);
" createtime " ,createtime);
" effect " ,effect);
" version " ,version);

" regedit create successfull! " );

/** ***********************************************
   *effect:output xml
   *input value :null
   *return value:null
   *create time:2004/6/9
   *edit time:null

static   void  XmlOutput() {
// write xml
     try {
  File myfile 
=   new  File(path + xmlname);
if ( ! (myfile.exists())) {

//  write file
     FileOutputStream fos  =   new  FileOutputStream(path + xmlname);

catch  (Exception e) {
" Cannot export nodes:  "   +  e);

" xml create successfull  " );

/** ***********************************************
   *effect:output text
   *input value :null
   *return value:null
   *create time:2004/6/9
   *edit time:null

static   void  TextOutput() {

// field length
  int  length1[] = new   int [ 1000 ];
// values length
  int  length2[] = new   int [ 1000 ];
 String space
= "            " ;
 String str1
= " ------------------------- " ;
 String str2[]
= new  String[ 1000 ];
 String str3[]
= new  String[ 1000 ];
// check "/n"
  int  q = 1 ;
// initialize str1[] str2[]
  for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= maxCount;i ++ ) {
= "" ;
= "" ;

try {
// create file
  File myfile  =   new  File(path + txtname);
if ( ! (myfile.exists())) {

//  write file
  FileWriter fw = new  FileWriter(path + txtname);

for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= maxCount;i ++ ) {
if (i <= account) {
= 25 - field[i].length();
// account length2 length
     for ( int  j = 1 ;j <= length1[i];j ++ ) {
= str2[i] + "   " ;


= 25 - values[i].length();
// account length3 length
    for ( int  j = 1 ;j <= length2[i];j ++ ) {
= str3[i] + "   " ;


// write field
   for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= account;i ++ ) {
+ space);

// write "-"
  fw.write( " \n " );
for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= account;i ++ ) {
+ space);

// write values
  fw.write( " \n " );
for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= maxCount;i ++ ) {
+ str3[i] + space);
if (i == account * q) {
" \n " );
*= 2 ;



catch (FileNotFoundException e) {System.err.println(e);}
catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
" text create successfull  " );

/** ***********************************************
   *effect:output excel
   *input value :null
   *return value:null
   *create time:2004/6/9
   *edit time:2004/6/10

static   void  ExcelOutput() {

// label1:field    label2:values
  Label label1 = null ,label2 = null ;
int  result = 0 ,rows = 0 ;
try {
// create an new file
  File myfile  =   new  File(path + excelname);
if ( ! (myfile.exists())) {
" an new excel create successful " );

// create an new excel
     WritableWorkbook workbook  =  Workbook.createWorkbook(myfile);
// use first excel's sheet
     WritableSheet sheet  =  workbook.createSheet( " record " 0 );

//  add table title and values
      for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= account;i ++ ) {
// add table title
         label1  =   new  Label(i - 1 0 , field[i]);

// account rows values
     result = maxCount / account;
for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= result;i ++ ) {
for ( int  m = 1 ;m <= account;m ++ ) {
++ ;
= new  Label(m - 1 ,i,values[rows]);



catch (Exception e) {System.err.println(e);}
" excel create successfull  " );

/** ***********************************************
   *effect:output pdf file
   *input value :null
   *return value:null
   *create time:2004/6/11
   *edit time:null

static   void  PdfOutput() {
    Document document;
    Rectangle pageRect;

try {
= new  Document(PageSize.A4,  50 50 100 50 );
= document.getPageSize();
new  FileOutputStream(path + pdfname));

  HeaderFooter header 
=   new  HeaderFooter( new  Phrase( " student information " ),  false );
2 );

// add page
  HeaderFooter footer  =   new  HeaderFooter( new  Phrase( " the " ), new  Phrase( " page " ));
1 );

// open document

// create table
  Table table  =   new  Table(account);

int  hws[]  =   new   int [account];
for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= account;i ++ ) {
- 1 ] = 20 ;

100 );
// add field
   for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= account;i ++ ) {
new  Phrase(field[i]));

// add values
   for ( int  i = 1 ;i <= maxCount;i ++ ) {
new  Phrase(values[i]));

// add table to pdf file
// close pdf file

catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);}
" pdf create successfull  " );


posted on 2006-10-24 20:12 Crespo 阅读(2166) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏

# re: java读取数据库字段和值,输出到regedit,xml,text,excel,pdf的程序 2006-10-25 08:58 | illusion
利用Java 创建和读取Excel文档
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
public class CreateXL {
 /** Excel 文件要存放的位置,假定在D盘JTest目录下*/
 public static String outputFile="D:/JTest/ gongye.xls";
 public static void main(String argv[])
  // 创建新的Excel 工作簿
  HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
  // 在Excel工作簿中建一工作表,其名为缺省值
  // 如要新建一名为"效益指标"的工作表,其语句为:
  // HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("效益指标");
  HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();
  // 在索引0的位置创建行(最顶端的行)
  HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short)0);
  HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 0);
  // 定义单元格为字符串类型
  // 在单元格中输入一些内容
  // 新建一输出文件流
  FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
  // 把相应的Excel 工作簿存盘
  // 操作结束,关闭文件

 }catch(Exception e) {
  System.out.println("已运行 xlCreate() : " + e );

import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
public class ReadXL {
 /** Excel文件的存放位置。注意是正斜线*/
 public static String fileToBeRead="D:/JTest/ gongye.xls";
 public static void main(String argv[]){
  // 创建对Excel工作簿文件的引用
  HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(fileToBeRead));
  // 创建对工作表的引用。
  // 本例是按名引用(让我们假定那张表有着缺省名"Sheet1")
  HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("Sheet1");
  // 也可用getSheetAt(int index)按索引引用,
  // 在Excel文档中,第一张工作表的缺省索引是0,
  // 其语句为:HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
  // 读取左上端单元
  HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(0);
  HSSFCell cell = row.getCell((short)0);
  // 输出单元内容,cell.getStringCellValue()就是取所在单元的值
  System.out.println("左上端单元是: " + cell.getStringCellValue());
 }catch(Exception e) {
  System.out.println("已运行xlRead() : " + e );



HSSFFont font = workbook.createFont();
HSSFCellStyle cellStyle= workbook.createCellStyle();
HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 0);
cell.setCellValue("标题 ");

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