以下是来自于 TSS 的新闻:
Hibernate Search 3.0, which brings full text search capabilities to Hibernate-based applications, has been released. With Hibernate Search, developers can easily take advantage of advanced Google-like search features, unattainable in relational databases, without the need for extra infrastructure coding.
Hibernate Search integrates transparently with Hibernate, the object/relational (O/R) mapping and persistence engine, with little to no configuration (past specifying what entities to index). With advanced features such as query filter and index sharding, Hibernate Search can be embedded into user applications.
Key features in Hibernate Search 3.0 include:
- Transparent index synchronization: This feature eliminates the need to manually update the index on data change. Events generated by Hibernate Core will trigger the update transparently for the application.
- Seamless integration with the Hibernate and Java Persistence query
model: Hibernate Search embraces both the Hibernate and Java Persistence semantic and APIs. As a result, switching from a Hibernate Query Language (HQL) query to a full text query requires minimal changes to the application.
- Out-of-the-box asynchronous clustering mode: Handles clustered applications, this out of the box mode also handles gracefully indexing load peaks, avoiding any contention on the online system.
- Product extensibility: Developers can extend Hibernate Search with a series of extension points for deep index interaction customization that helps edge case applications meet their performance and architectural requirements and constraints.
不知道大家有没有发现,几乎是在同时 Hibernate Search 和 Compass 同时进入 RC 状态,但 Hibernate Search 跑的快了一步,首先发布了出来,相信不久就能看到 Compass release
posted on 2007-09-24 23:54
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