今天一早就看到了 Seam 2.0 released 的消息,Seam 2.0 终于完成了长期的测试,正式发布了,我想满江红翻译的 Seam 2.0 文档应该也快要发布了吧。
如果你做 JavaEE 5 的应用,如果你用 JSF,EJB3,千万不要忘了 Seam。
Seam 2.0 was released this week. JBoss Seam is a powerful new application framework for building next generation Web 2.0 applications by unifying and integrating technologies such as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), Java Server Faces (JSF), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB3), Java Portlets and Business Process Management (BPM).
The Seam team put together a list of new features in Seam 2. Some of the highlights include:
* The Seam component model now supports web services, including direct support for conversational web services
* Seam components can now be written in Groovy
* New improved EL syntax
* Integration with Quartz, Hibernate Search and JFreeChart
* Support for JSF 1.2, as well as support for non-JSF environments like GWT
* Eclipse IDE support in the next release of JBossTools, including Seam project wizards, EL code completion, a visual JSF editor, hot deployment and test integration
posted on 2007-11-07 08:45
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