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Posted on 2007-12-03 09:08 诗特林 阅读(3148) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: JavaScript


文章对主流的5JavaScript(MochiKit Dojo YUI (Yahoo User Interface) scriptaculous jQuery)进行了总结评估,比较客观和全面,对网页中JavaScript不是很熟悉的朋友是个福音.

  1. Dojo
    1. Documentation
    2. AJAX
    3. Event Handling
    4. Widgets
    5. Compatibility
    6. Maturity and Support
    7. DOM Manipulation
    8. My opinion
  2. MochiKit
    1. Documentation
    2. AJAX
    3. Event Handling
    4. Widgets
    5. Compatibility
    6. Maturity and Support
    7. DOM Manipulation
    8. My opinion
  3. Yahoo User Interface
    1. Documentation
    2. AJAX
    3. Event Handling
    4. Widgets
    5. Compatibility
    6. Maturity and Support
    7. DOM Manipulation
    8. My Opinion
  4. Scriptaculous + Prototype
    1. Documentation
    2. AJAX
    3. Event Handling
    4. Widgets
    5. Compatibility
    6. Maturity and Support
    7. DOM Manipulation
    8. My Opinion
  5. jQuery
    1. Documentation
    2. AJAX
    3. Event Handling
    4. Widgets
    5. Compatibility
    6. Maturity and Support
    7. DOM Manipulation
    8. My Opinion



# re: 对主流JavaScript库的评估  回复  更多评论   

2007-12-03 11:01 by willim

# re: 对主流JavaScript库的评估  回复  更多评论   

2008-01-10 15:14 by kevin.zhan

