desc 后发现
a.owner 外键拥有者,
a.table_name 外键表,
substr(c.column_name,1,127) 外键列,
b.owner 主键拥有者,
b.table_name 主键表,
substr(d.column_name,1,127) 主键列
user_constraints a,
user_constraints b,
user_cons_columns c,
user_cons_columns d
and a.constraint_type='R'
and b.constraint_type='P'
and a.r_owner=b.owner
and a.constraint_name=c.constraint_name
and b.constraint_name=d.constraint_name
and a.owner=c.owner
and a.table_name=c.table_name
and b.owner=d.owner
and b.table_name=d.table_name
desc user_constraints
Name Comments
----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
OWNER Owner of the table
CONSTRAINT_NAME Name associated with constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_TYPE Type of constraint definition
TABLE_NAME Name associated with table with constraint definition
SEARCH_CONDITION Text of search condition for table check
R_OWNER Owner of table used in referential constraint
R_CONSTRAINT_NAME Name of unique constraint definition for referenced table
DELETE_RULE The delete rule for a referential constraint
STATUS Enforcement status of constraint - ENABLED or DISABLED
DEFERRABLE Is the constraint deferrable - DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE
DEFERRED Is the constraint deferred by default - DEFERRED or IMMEDIATE
VALIDATED Was this constraint system validated? - VALIDATED or NOT VALIDATED
GENERATED Was the constraint name system generated? - GENERATED NAME or USER NAME
BAD Creating this constraint should give ORA-02436. Rewrite it before 2000 AD.
RELY If set, this flag will be used in optimizer
LAST_CHANGE The date when this column was last enabled or disabled
INDEX_OWNER The owner of the index used by the constraint
INDEX_NAME The index used by the constraint
desc user_cons_columns;
Name Comments
--------------- -------------- -------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OWNER Owner of the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME Name associated with the constraint definition
TABLE_NAME Name associated with table with constraint definition
COLUMN_NAME Name associated with column or attribute of object column specified in the constraint definition
POSITION Original position of column or attribute in definition
posted on 2009-07-30 16:53
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