

3.只好修改jasper的源代码了,我修改了,(1.1.1 版的),改动的很少,如下所示。

 * ============================================================================
 * GNU Lesser General Public License
 * ============================================================================
 * JasperReports - Free Java report-generating library.
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 JasperSoft Corporation
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * JasperSoft Corporation
 * 303 Second Street, Suite 450 North
 * San Francisco, CA 94107
package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;

import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRAbstractScriptlet;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataset;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDefaultScriptlet;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExpression;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRGroup;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRParameter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRQuery;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRResultSetDataSource;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRVariable;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRClassLoader;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRQueryExecuter;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * @author Lucian Chirita (
 * @version $Id:,v 1.8 2005/11/28 10:23:24 teodord Exp $
public class JRFillDataset implements JRDataset
 private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JRBaseFiller.class);
  * The filler that created this object.
 private final JRBaseFiller filler;
  * The template dataset.
 private final JRDataset parent;
  * Whether this is the main dataset of the report.
 private final boolean isMain;
  * The dataset query.
 protected JRQuery query = null;
  * The dataset parameter.
 protected JRFillParameter[] parameters = null;

  * The dataset parameters indexed by name.
 protected Map parametersMap = null;

  * The dataset fields.
 protected JRFillField[] fields = null;
  * The dataset fields indexed by name.
 protected Map fieldsMap = null;
  * The dataset variables.
 protected JRFillVariable[] variables = null;
  * The dataset variables indexed by name.
 protected Map variablesMap = null;
  * Set of {@link VariableCalculationReq VariableCalculationReq} objects.
 protected Set variableCalculationReqs;

  * The element datasets.
 protected JRFillElementDataset[] elementDatasets;
  * Used to save the original element datasets when
  * {@link #filterElementDatasets(JRFillElementDataset) filterElementDatasets} is called.
 protected JRFillElementDataset[] origElementDatasets;

  * The dataset groups.
 protected JRFillGroup[] groups = null;

  * The resource bundle base name.
 protected String resourceBundleBaseName = null;
  * The resource missing handle type.
 protected byte whenResourceMissingType;
  * The scriptlet class name.
 protected String scriptletClassName = null;
  * The scriptlet class.
 protected Class scriptletClass = null;

  * The value of the {@link JRParameter#REPORT_MAX_COUNT max count} parameter.
 protected Integer reportMaxCount = null;

  * The data source.
 protected JRDataSource dataSource = null;
  * The {@link Locale Locale} to be used by the dataset.
 protected Locale locale = null;
  * The loaded resource bundle.
 protected ResourceBundle resourceBundle = null;

  * The cursor used when iterating the data source.
 protected int reportCount = 0;

  * The calculator used by the dataset.
 protected JRCalculator calculator = null;

  * The scriptlet used by the dataset.
 protected JRAbstractScriptlet scriptlet = null;

  * The statement used to fire the query.
 protected PreparedStatement dataSourceStatement;

 private ResultSet dataSourceResultSet;

 //////////////////////////////////////////add by
 protected int vitalCount = 0;
 protected Integer pageMinLine=null; 
 //////////////////////////////////////////add by super.end 

  * Creates a fill dataset object.
  * @param filler the filelr
  * @param dataset the template dataset
  * @param factory the fill object factory
 protected JRFillDataset(JRBaseFiller filler, JRDataset dataset, JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  factory.put(dataset, this);
  this.filler = filler;
  this.parent = dataset;
  this.isMain = dataset.isMainDataset();
  scriptletClassName = dataset.getScriptletClass();
  resourceBundleBaseName = dataset.getResourceBundle();
  whenResourceMissingType = dataset.getWhenResourceMissingType();
  query = dataset.getQuery();
  setParameters(dataset, factory);

  setFields(dataset, factory);

  setVariables(dataset, factory);
  setGroups(dataset, factory);

 private void setParameters(JRDataset dataset, JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  JRParameter[] jrParameters = dataset.getParameters();
  if (jrParameters != null && jrParameters.length > 0)
   parameters = new JRFillParameter[jrParameters.length];
   parametersMap = new HashMap();
   for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++)
    parameters[i] = factory.getParameter(jrParameters[i]);
    parametersMap.put(parameters[i].getName(), parameters[i]);

 private void setGroups(JRDataset dataset, JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  JRGroup[] jrGroups = dataset.getGroups();
  if (jrGroups != null && jrGroups.length > 0)
   groups = new JRFillGroup[jrGroups.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)
    groups[i] = factory.getGroup(jrGroups[i]);

 private void setVariables(JRDataset dataset, JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  JRVariable[] jrVariables = dataset.getVariables();
  if (jrVariables != null && jrVariables.length > 0)
   List variableList = new ArrayList(jrVariables.length * 3);

   variablesMap = new HashMap();
   for (int i = 0; i < jrVariables.length; i++)
    addVariable(jrVariables[i], variableList, factory);

 private JRFillVariable addVariable(JRVariable parentVariable, List variableList, JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  JRFillVariable variable = factory.getVariable(parentVariable);

  byte calculation = variable.getCalculation();
  switch (calculation)
    JRVariable countVar = createHelperVariable(parentVariable, "_COUNT", JRVariable.CALCULATION_COUNT);
    JRFillVariable fillCountVar = addVariable(countVar, variableList, factory);
    variable.setHelperVariable(fillCountVar, JRCalculable.HELPER_COUNT);

    JRVariable sumVar = createHelperVariable(parentVariable, "_SUM", JRVariable.CALCULATION_SUM);
    JRFillVariable fillSumVar = addVariable(sumVar, variableList, factory);
    variable.setHelperVariable(fillSumVar, JRCalculable.HELPER_SUM);

    JRVariable varianceVar = createHelperVariable(parentVariable, "_VARIANCE", JRVariable.CALCULATION_VARIANCE);
    JRFillVariable fillVarianceVar = addVariable(varianceVar, variableList, factory);
    variable.setHelperVariable(fillVarianceVar, JRCalculable.HELPER_VARIANCE);


  return variable;

 private JRVariable createHelperVariable(JRVariable variable, String nameSuffix, byte calculation)
  JRDesignVariable helper = new JRDesignVariable();
  helper.setName(variable.getName() + nameSuffix);

  return helper;

 private void setVariables(List variableList)
  variables = new JRFillVariable[variableList.size()];
  variables = (JRFillVariable[]) variableList.toArray(variables);

  for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++)
   variablesMap.put(variables[i].getName(), variables[i]);

 private void setFields(JRDataset dataset, JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  JRField[] jrFields = dataset.getFields();
  if (jrFields != null && jrFields.length > 0)
   fields = new JRFillField[jrFields.length];
   fieldsMap = new HashMap();
   for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
    fields[i] = factory.getField(jrFields[i]);
    fieldsMap.put(fields[i].getName(), fields[i]);

  * Creates the calculator
  * @param jasperReport the report
  * @throws JRException
 protected void createCalculator(JasperReport jasperReport) throws JRException
  setCalculator(createCalculator(jasperReport, this));

 protected void setCalculator(JRCalculator calculator)
  this.calculator = calculator;

 protected static JRCalculator createCalculator(JasperReport jasperReport, JRDataset dataset) throws JRException
  JREvaluator evaluator = JRDefaultCompiler.getInstance().loadEvaluator(jasperReport, dataset);
  return new JRCalculator(evaluator);

  * Initializes the calculator.
  * @throws JRException
 protected void initCalculator() throws JRException

  * Inherits properties from the report.
 protected void inheritFromMain()
  if (resourceBundleBaseName == null && !isMain)
   resourceBundleBaseName = filler.mainDataset.resourceBundleBaseName;
   whenResourceMissingType = filler.mainDataset.whenResourceMissingType;
  * Creates and initializes the scriptlet.
  * @return the scriptlet
  * @throws JRException
 protected JRAbstractScriptlet initScriptlet() throws JRException
  scriptlet = createScriptlet();

  scriptlet.setData(parametersMap, fieldsMap, variablesMap, groups);
  return scriptlet;
  * Creates the scriptlet.
  * @return the scriptlet
  * @throws JRException
 protected JRAbstractScriptlet createScriptlet() throws JRException
  JRAbstractScriptlet tmpScriptlet = null;

  if (scriptletClassName != null)
   if (scriptletClass == null)
     scriptletClass = JRClassLoader.loadClassForName(scriptletClassName);
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
     throw new JRException("Error loading scriptlet class : " + scriptletClassName, e);

    tmpScriptlet = (JRAbstractScriptlet) scriptletClass.newInstance();
   catch (Exception e)
    throw new JRException("Error creating scriptlet class instance : " + scriptletClassName, e);

  if (tmpScriptlet == null)
   tmpScriptlet = new JRDefaultScriptlet();

  return tmpScriptlet;

  * Initializes the element datasets.
  * @param factory the fill object factory used by the filler
 protected void initElementDatasets(JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  elementDatasets = factory.getElementDatasets(this);

  * Filters the element datasets, leaving only one.
  * <p>
  * This method is used when a dataset is instantiated by a chart or crosstab.
  * @param elementDataset the element dataset that should remain
 protected void filterElementDatasets(JRFillElementDataset elementDataset)
  origElementDatasets = elementDatasets;
  elementDatasets = new JRFillElementDataset[]{elementDataset};
  * Restores the original element datasets.
  * <p>
  * This method should be called after {@link #filterElementDatasets(JRFillElementDataset) filterElementDatasets}.
 protected void restoreElementDatasets()
  if (origElementDatasets != null)
   elementDatasets = origElementDatasets;
   origElementDatasets = null;

  * Loads the resource bundle corresponding to the resource bundle base name and locale.
 protected ResourceBundle loadResourceBundle()
  ResourceBundle tmpResourceBundle = null;

  if (resourceBundleBaseName != null)
   ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
   if (classLoader != null)
     tmpResourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(resourceBundleBaseName, locale, classLoader);
    catch (MissingResourceException e)
     // if (log.isWarnEnabled())
     // log.warn("Failure using
     // Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() in
     // JRClassLoader class. Using
     // JRClassLoader.class.getClassLoader() instead.");

   if (tmpResourceBundle == null)
    classLoader = JRClassLoader.class.getClassLoader();

    if (classLoader == null)
     tmpResourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(resourceBundleBaseName, locale);
     tmpResourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(resourceBundleBaseName, locale, classLoader);

  return tmpResourceBundle;

  * Reads built-in parameter values from the value map.
  * @param parameterValues the parameter values
  * @throws JRException
 protected void setParameters(Map parameterValues) throws JRException
  reportMaxCount = (Integer) parameterValues.get(JRParameter.REPORT_MAX_COUNT);

  locale = (Locale) parameterValues.get(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE);
  if (locale == null)
   locale = Locale.getDefault();
  if (locale == null)
   parameterValues.remove(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE);//FIXME NOW why remove? check all
   parameterValues.put(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE, locale);
  setParameter(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE, locale);  
  resourceBundle = (ResourceBundle) parameterValues.get(JRParameter.REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE);
  if (resourceBundle == null)
   resourceBundle = loadResourceBundle();
  if (resourceBundle == null)
   parameterValues.put(JRParameter.REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, resourceBundle);
  setParameter(JRParameter.REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, resourceBundle);

   pageMinLine = (Integer)getParameterValue("PAGE_MIN_LINE");
  catch (Exception e) {}  
  * Sets the parameter values from the values map.
  * @param parameterValues the values map
  * @throws JRException
 protected void setParameterValues(Map parameterValues) throws JRException
  if (parameters != null && parameters.length > 0)
   for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++)
    if (parameterValues.containsKey(parameters[i].getName()))
     setParameter(parameters[i], parameterValues.get(parameters[i].getName()));
    else if (!parameters[i].isSystemDefined())
     Object value = calculator.evaluate(parameters[i].getDefaultValueExpression(), JRExpression.EVALUATION_DEFAULT);
     if (value != null)
      parameterValues.put(parameters[i].getName(), value);
     setParameter(parameters[i], value);

  * Creates the data source from a connection.
  * @param parameterValues the parameterValues
  * @param conn the connection
  * @return the data source to be used
  * @throws JRException
 protected JRDataSource createDataSource(Map parameterValues, Connection conn) throws JRException
  if (conn == null)
   conn = (Connection) parameterValues.get(JRParameter.REPORT_CONNECTION);
  if (conn == null)
   parameterValues.put(JRParameter.REPORT_CONNECTION, conn);
  setParameter(JRParameter.REPORT_CONNECTION, conn);

  if (conn == null)
   if (log.isWarnEnabled())
    log.warn("The supplied java.sql.Connection object is null.");

  PreparedStatement pstmt = null;

   JRDataSource ds = null;

   pstmt = JRQueryExecuter.getStatement(query, parametersMap, parameterValues, conn);

   if (pstmt != null)
    if (reportMaxCount != null)

    dataSourceStatement = pstmt;

    dataSourceResultSet = pstmt.executeQuery();
    ds = new JRResultSetDataSource(dataSourceResultSet);
   return ds;
  catch (SQLException e)
   throw new JRException("Error executing SQL statement for report : " +, e);

  * Sets the data source to be used.
  * @param parameterValues the parameter values
  * @param ds the data source
  * @throws JRException
 protected void setDatasource(Map parameterValues, JRDataSource ds) throws JRException
  dataSource = ds;
  if (dataSource == null)
   dataSource = (JRDataSource) parameterValues.get(JRParameter.REPORT_DATA_SOURCE);
  if (dataSource == null)
   parameterValues.put(JRParameter.REPORT_DATA_SOURCE, dataSource);
  setParameter(JRParameter.REPORT_DATA_SOURCE, dataSource);

  /*   */
  parameterValues.put(JRParameter.REPORT_SCRIPTLET, scriptlet);
  setParameter(JRParameter.REPORT_SCRIPTLET, scriptlet);

  /*   */
  parameterValues.put(JRParameter.REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP, parameterValues);
  setParameter(JRParameter.REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP, parameterValues);
  * Closes the statement used to fire the query.
 protected void closeStatement()
  if (dataSourceResultSet != null)
   catch (SQLException e)
    log.error("Error while closing result set.", e);
    dataSourceResultSet = null;
  if (dataSourceStatement != null)
   catch (SQLException e)
    log.error("Error while closing statement.", e);
    dataSourceStatement = null;

  * Starts the iteration on the data source.
 protected void start()
  reportCount = 0;

  * Moves to the next record in the data source.
  * @return <code>true</code> if the data source was not exhausted
  * @throws JRException
 protected boolean next() throws JRException
  boolean hasNext = false;

  if (dataSource != null)
   if (vitalCount==0)
    hasNext = (reportMaxCount == null || reportMaxCount.intValue() > reportCount) &&;
   if (hasNext)
    /*   */
    if (fields != null && fields.length > 0)
     JRFillField field = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
      field = fields[i];

    /*   */
    if (variables != null && variables.length > 0)
     JRFillVariable variable = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++)
      variable = variables[i];

    if (pageMinLine!=null && pageMinLine.intValue()>0)
     if (vitalCount==0)
      int modNum = reportCount%pageMinLine.intValue();
      if (modNum!=0)
     if (vitalCount!=0)
      if (fields != null && fields.length > 0)
       JRFillField field = null;
       for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
        field = fields[i];

  if (vitalCount>0)
   log.error("---blank line--");
   return true;
  return hasNext;
  * Sets the value of a parameter.
  * @param parameterName the parameter name
  * @param value the value
  * @throws JRException
 protected void setParameter(String parameterName, Object value) throws JRException
  JRFillParameter parameter = (JRFillParameter) parametersMap.get(parameterName);
  if (parameter != null)
   setParameter(parameter, value);
  * Sets the value of the parameter.
  * @param parameter the parameter
  * @param value the value
  * @throws JRException
 protected void setParameter(JRFillParameter parameter, Object value) throws JRException
  if (value != null)
   if (parameter.getValueClass().isInstance(value))
    throw new JRException(
     "Incompatible "
     + value.getClass().getName()
     + " value assigned to parameter "
     + parameter.getName()
     + " in the " + getName() + " dataset."

  * Returns the value of a variable.
  * @param variableName the variable name
  * @return the variable value
 public Object getVariableValue(String variableName)
  JRFillVariable var = (JRFillVariable) variablesMap.get(variableName);
  if (var == null)
   throw new JRRuntimeException("No such variable " + variableName);
  return var.getValue();

  * Returns the value of a parameter.
  * @param parameterName the parameter name
  * @return the parameter value
 public Object getParameterValue(String parameterName)
  JRFillParameter param = (JRFillParameter) parametersMap.get(parameterName);
  if (param == null)
   throw new JRRuntimeException("No such parameter " + parameterName);
  return param.getValue();

  * Returns the value of a field.
  * @param fieldName the field name
  * @return the field value
 public Object getFieldValue(String fieldName)
  JRFillField var = (JRFillField) fieldsMap.get(fieldName);
  if (var == null)
   throw new JRRuntimeException("No such field " + fieldName);
  return var.getValue();
  * Class used to hold expression calculation  requirements.
 protected static class VariableCalculationReq
  String variableName;

  byte calculation;

  VariableCalculationReq(String variableName, byte calculation)
   this.variableName = variableName;
   this.calculation = calculation;

  public boolean equals(Object o)
   if (o == null || !(o instanceof VariableCalculationReq))
    return false;

   VariableCalculationReq r = (VariableCalculationReq) o;

   return variableName.equals(r.variableName) && calculation == r.calculation;

  public int hashCode()
   return 31 * calculation + variableName.hashCode();
  * Adds a variable calculation requirement.
  * @param variableName the variable name
  * @param calculation the required calculation
 protected void addVariableCalculationReq(String variableName, byte calculation)
  if (variableCalculationReqs == null)
   variableCalculationReqs = new HashSet();

  variableCalculationReqs.add(new VariableCalculationReq(variableName, calculation));

  * Checks if there are variable calculation requirements and creates the required variables.
  * @param factory the fill object factory
 protected void checkVariableCalculationReqs(JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  if (variableCalculationReqs != null && !variableCalculationReqs.isEmpty())
   List variableList = new ArrayList(variables.length * 2);

   for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++)
    JRFillVariable variable = variables[i];
    checkVariableCalculationReq(variable, variableList, factory);


 private void checkVariableCalculationReq(JRFillVariable variable, List variableList, JRFillObjectFactory factory)
  if (hasVariableCalculationReq(variable, JRVariable.CALCULATION_AVERAGE) || hasVariableCalculationReq(variable, JRVariable.CALCULATION_VARIANCE))
   if (variable.getHelperVariable(JRCalculable.HELPER_COUNT) == null)
    JRVariable countVar = createHelperVariable(variable, "_COUNT", JRVariable.CALCULATION_COUNT);
    JRFillVariable fillCountVar = factory.getVariable(countVar);
    checkVariableCalculationReq(fillCountVar, variableList, factory);
    variable.setHelperVariable(fillCountVar, JRCalculable.HELPER_COUNT);

   if (variable.getHelperVariable(JRCalculable.HELPER_SUM) == null)
    JRVariable sumVar = createHelperVariable(variable, "_SUM", JRVariable.CALCULATION_SUM);
    JRFillVariable fillSumVar = factory.getVariable(sumVar);
    checkVariableCalculationReq(fillSumVar, variableList, factory);
    variable.setHelperVariable(fillSumVar, JRCalculable.HELPER_SUM);

  if (hasVariableCalculationReq(variable, JRVariable.CALCULATION_STANDARD_DEVIATION))
   if (variable.getHelperVariable(JRCalculable.HELPER_VARIANCE) == null)
    JRVariable varianceVar = createHelperVariable(variable, "_VARIANCE", JRVariable.CALCULATION_VARIANCE);
    JRFillVariable fillVarianceVar = factory.getVariable(varianceVar);
    checkVariableCalculationReq(fillVarianceVar, variableList, factory);
    variable.setHelperVariable(fillVarianceVar, JRCalculable.HELPER_VARIANCE);


 private boolean hasVariableCalculationReq(JRVariable var, byte calculation)
  return variableCalculationReqs.contains(new VariableCalculationReq(var.getName(), calculation));

 public String getName()
  return parent.getName();

 public String getScriptletClass()
  return parent.getScriptletClass();

 public JRParameter[] getParameters()
  return parameters;

 public JRQuery getQuery()
  return query;

 public JRField[] getFields()
  return fields;

 public JRVariable[] getVariables()
  return variables;

 public JRGroup[] getGroups()
  return groups;

 public boolean isMainDataset()
  return isMain;

 public String getResourceBundle()
  return resourceBundleBaseName;

 public byte getWhenResourceMissingType()
  return whenResourceMissingType;

 public void setWhenResourceMissingType(byte whenResourceMissingType)
  this.whenResourceMissingType = whenResourceMissingType;


posted on 2006-01-13 09:28 王卫华 阅读(4473) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: jasperReport


# re: 关于jasperReport中明细行补空行的处理方法。 2006-01-13 12:54 mack

jasperreport报表的打印可以通过生成pdf打印,另外的那种用applet的方式我觉得很烦锁,不知道你有什么方法直接打印呢  回复  更多评论   

