
Putting documents into their work context in document analysis

A. Salminen , , V. Lyytikäinen and P. Tiitinen

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä, PO Box 35 (MaE), FIN-40351 Jyväskylä, Finland

Received 10 September 1999; accepted 9 November 1999. Available online 18 April 2000.


In trying to achieve document standardization the goal is to find more effective, consistent, and standardized ways to utilize information technology. The specification and implementation of document standards may take several years requiring a profound analysis and understanding of document management practices. Document standardization does not concern documents only: it concerns workers, their work, business partners, and future systems as well. In this paper we discuss two ways of describing the work context of documents: process modelling and life cycle modelling. In process modelling, documents are regarded as resources produced and used in inter- or intra-organizational business processes. Different types of documents are typically produced and used in a business process. In life cycle modelling work related to processing of a document of a specific type is described. The modelling methods have been tested in an SGML standardization project called RASKE during the analysis of four case domains: the enquiry process in the Finnish Parliament and Government, national Finnish legislative work, budgetary work, and the Finnish participation in EU legislative work. This paper discusses the modelling requirements in document analysis and describes the techniques used in the RASKE project.

Author Keywords: Document analysis; Document standardization; Process modelling; SGML; XML

1. Introduction

The data volume in the electronic document repositories of organizations is growing fast, but the diversity of the document formats and systems, as well as continuing changes in the information technology, cause problems in the access and use of the information needed in work tasks. The problems concern both companies and public sector organizations. These problems have prompted organizations to start major document standardization projects where the intention is to agree upon rules which define the way information is represented in documents. The rules are needed in order to achieve more effective, consistent, and stable ways to utilize information technology in business processes. Problems with technological changes, and in the maintenance of long-term access to digital documents have motivated the search for application independent formats for documents. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is an international standard for defining and representing documents in an application-independent form (Goldfarb, 1990). A subset of SGML called XML (Extensible Markup Language) has been developed especially for specifying document standards to be used in Web information systems ( Bray, Paoli & Sperberg-McQueen, 1998).

In SGML/XML standardization projects, a profound document analysis is needed. The analysis is usually seen as an analysis of document structures (Travis; Watson and Maler, Magnusson Sjöberg, 1997, Weitz, 1998). Successful implementation of document standards in enterprises however requires understanding of the role of documents in work processes. Especially in cases where the standardization concerns several document types and the document production is part of inter-organizational business processes, the analysts as well as the actors in processes should be able to see the process context of documents. In this paper we discuss the work process modelling as part of document analysis. We will introduce the modelling techniques used in a major standardization project called RASKE where the standardization has concerned the documents created in the Finnish Parliament and ministries ( Salminen; Salminen and Salminen).

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces a model for electronic document management environments and defines the notions related to the model. Document standardization of enterprises is discussed in Section 3. As an example of a standardization project the RASKE project is introduced. Work process modelling approaches in other application areas and needs in the document analysis of a document standardization project are discussed in Section 4. The techniques used in the RASKE project are described in Section 5. Experiences and implications from the RASKE project are discussed in Section 6.

2. Electronic document management environments

Organizations use documents as a means for information management: a means to cluster, organize, store, transfer, and use information to fulfill their organizational purposes. The term electronic document management (EDM) refers to the use of modern information technology for the purpose (Sprague, 1995). In document standardization it is important to identify, not only documents and their structures, but also other entities of the EDM environment where the documents are created, manipulated, and used.

Fig. 1 shows a model for an EDM environment using the central notions of information control nets (ICNs): activities and resources (Ellis, 1979). Information is produced and used in activities. The resources are information repositories where information produced can be stored, or from where information can be taken. The dashed lines in the figure denote the information flow from and to resources. The set of activities is denoted by a circle and the resources by rectangles. The resources are divided into three types: documents, systems, and actors. Documents consist of the recorded data intended for human perception. A document can be identified and handled as a unit in the activities, and it is intended to be understood as information pertaining to topic. Since the documents in an EDM environment are mostly digital, it means that information technology is needed and utilized to operate on documents. Hence systems, i.e. hardware, software, and applications, are essential resources in an EDM environment. On the other hand, since the information in documents should be available also after system changes, it is also important to separate the documents from systems as resources. Finally, the actors are people and organizations performing activities and using documents as well as systems in the activities. In some fully automated activities a software system may perform an activity (for example, create an email message and send it to a repository). In this paper we will however consider activities where the actors creating and using documents are people and organizations. In relationship to documents and systems, actors are called users. Actors are grouped by roles. A role specifies the tasks, responsibilities, and rights of an actor in an activity, as a user of a system, or as a user of a document repository.


Fig. 1. Components of an electronic document management environment.

Information pieces needed and produced during an activity are stored in many different ways: in the heads and experience of people, in the organizational culture, as hardware and software solutions, and as data in documents and applications. If the notion of information is understood according to the sense-making theory of Dervin (1992) as ‘the sense created in a situation, at a specific moment in time and space by a reader’ (where Dervin means a human reader), then information is subjective and the information needed by a person in order to perform an activity may be a complicated combination of pieces coming from different sources.

An EDM environment may be in a single organization. In the current networked world however, business processes often concern several organizations and resources are shared more or less by those organizations. Thus the EDM environments in which a specific organization or person is involved may be quite complex.

3. Document standardization

One of the approaches for improving business processes is document standardization using application-independent standard formats. In the standardization the idea is to plan digital information structures and formats taking into account future changes in systems instead of planning them for a specific software system. The rules associated with a document, document authoring, and its storage format are intended to help consistent understanding of the content by the authors and different readers also in situations where the software and hardware changes. Sprague (1995) suggests the development of an electronic document management strategy in an organization. Standardization can be taken as such a strategy.

3.1. RASKE as a standardization project

One example of a standardization project is RASKE. The term RASKE comes from the Finnish words ‘Rakenteisten AsiakirjaStandardien KEhittäminen’ meaning the development of standards for structured documents. The project was commenced in spring 1994 by the Finnish Parliament and a software company in cooperation with researchers at the University of Jyväskylä. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Prime Minister’s Office, and a publishing house also participated in the project.

Starting the RASKE project was motivated by document management problems in the Finnish Parliament and government. Teams studying the legislative work carried out in Parliament identified, for example, the following problems concerning document management (Salminen et al., 1997):

1. Incompatibilities of the systems used caused the need for repeated typing of the same piece of text, which in turn was a potential source of inconsistencies in documents.

2. Inconsistencies in document naming and document identifiers caused problems and extra work.

3. Lack of information management coordination between the ministries, and between the government and Parliament.

4. In spite of the fact that almost all of the documents were digital, documents were mostly distributed on paper.

5. The retrieval techniques of different systems were heterogeneous.

6. The retrieval techniques of the electronic archiving system and the tracking system of Parliament were not satisfactory.

7. Uncertainty concerning the future usability of the information in the archived digital documents.

The document analysis in the RASKE project concerned four domains: the enquiry process, national legislative work, Finnish participation in EU legislative work, and the creation of the state budget. During the case analyses, various methods of analysis were tested and developed. Preliminary DTDs were designed for 21 document types including, for example, Government Bill, Government Decision, Government Communication, Private Bill, Special Committee Report, Budget Proposal, and Communication of Parliament.










1.       导言

组织机构中所存储的电子文档的数据量增长迅速,但是由于文档格式和系统的多样性,以及信息技术的持续改革,导致了工作任务中出现了存取和利用这些必要信息的问题。这些问题涉及到了公司和公共部门机构两个部分。这些问题促使机构开始在着手一些大型的文档标准化工程,工程的目的就是为了使文档描述的行业信息的规则达成一致。而这些规则就是为了提高效率和一致性,以及在商业进程中利用信息技术的稳定途径。科技技术进步以及对数字文档的长期使用的维护的问题 ,推动了文档的搜索应用程序的独立。SGML(标准通用标注语言)是一个在独立请求格式(Goldfarb1990)中定义和描述文档的国际标准。SGML中叫做XML 的子集已经得到发展,尤其是作为指定文档标准应用在网络信息系统。(Bray,Paoli& Sperberg-McQueen,1998)。

SGML/XML标准化工程中,一个深思熟虑的文档分析是十分必要的。这个分析往往被看作是文档框架的分解(Travis; Watson and Maler, Magnusson Sjöberg, 1997, Weitz, 1998)。然而企业文档标准的成功执行,需要工作进程的文档角色理解。尤其是当标准化涉及到一些文档类型和文档的成果作为交互组织商业进程的一部分时,进程中的分析者和参与者应当可以看见文档进程的联系。本文我们将工作进程模型作为文档分析的一部分来进行讨论。我们将介绍应用在称为RASKE的大型标准化工程的模型技术,在那里,标准化已经被应用到到芬兰国会和政府部门的文档的创建。( Salminen; Salminen and Salminen)

2.    电子文档管理环境





3.     文档标准化


3.1 RASKE作为一个标准化工程

RASKE就是标准化工程的一个例子。术语RASKE来源于芬兰的一个单词‘Rakenteisten AsiakirjaStandardien KEhittäminen’意思是文档框架标准的发展。这项工程开始着手于1994年的春天,由芬兰国会和一个软件公司连同Jyväskylä综合大学的一些研究员合作负责。外交部,芬兰的政府部门以及政府总理和出版社都参与了这项工程。

芬兰国会和政府部门的难题是RASKE工程的起因。立法机关的研究人员遇到了与国会同样的难题,例如,以下的问题就是有关文档管理的(Salminen et al.,1997):

1.  使用不协调的系统就会导致当需要对相同片断的文本进行重复键入时,就会与文档的电源开关相冲突。

2.  文档的命名和文档的标志符之间的矛盾导致了问题和增加了额外的工作。

3.  在政府部门之间,内阁和国会之间缺乏信息管理的协和。

4.  由于文档在书面形式上的分布式而忽略了大部分的文档是数字式这一事实。

5.  不同的系统有不同的检索技术。

6.  电子档案系统的检索技术和国会的跟踪系统存在着安全隐患。

7.  档案文件中数字文档的信息将来可用性存在着不确定性。



posted on 2007-04-06 14:22 糖果 阅读(11408) 评论(3)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 毕业设计


# re: 英文文献翻译 2008-04-26 15:18 fei

There is an urgent need to determine whether oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS), a compound contaminating heparin supplies worldwide, is the cause of the severe anaphylactoid reactions that have occurred after intravenous heparin administration in the United States and Germany.   回复  更多评论   

# re: 英文文献翻译[未登录] 2009-05-20 11:26 myth

谁能帮我翻译下 中华哲水蚤卵密度及其沉降速率 这篇英文文献啊,我的文章内容不齐全 Egg density and sinking rate ofa planktonic copepodCalanus sinicus(Copepoda:Calanoida)
谢谢了  回复  更多评论   

# re: 英文文献翻译 2009-06-15 13:09 zhaolin

Struts是一个为开发基于模型(Model)-视图(View)-控制器(Controller)(MVC)模式的应用架构的开源框架,是利用Java Servlet和JSP构建Web应用的一项非常有用的技术。由于Struts能充分满足应用开发的需求,简单易用,敏捷迅速,因而吸引了众多的开发人员的关注。


在struts中,实际是一个表单Form对应一个Action类(或DispatchAction),换一句话说:在Struts中实际是一个表单只能对应一个事件,struts这种事件方式称为application event,application event和component event相比是一种粗粒度的事件。


Struts是一个基于Sun J2EE平台的MVC框架,主要是采用Servlet和JSP技术来实现的。其最初萌芽于Craig McClanahan的构思,诞生至今也一年有余了。现在,Struts是Apache软件基金会旗下Jakarta项目组的一部分,其官方网站是http://jakarta.apache.org/struts。由于Struts能充分满足应用开发的需求,简单易用,敏捷迅速,在过去的一年中颇受关注。Struts把Servlet、JSP、自定义标签和信息资源(message resources)整合到一个统一的框架中,开发人员利用其进行开发时不用再自己编码实现全套MVC模式,极大的节省了时间,所以说Struts是一个非常不错的应用框架。

目前的Struts 1.0修正版包括完整的文档,既可以说是用户文档又是开发指导文档。如果读者是JSP新手,或者对MVC设计模式不是太熟的话,可能刚上路时会比较慢,不过不用担心,要相信自己会尽快赶上的:)

此外,应该注意到尽管当前Struts只是1.0版,但已经相当稳定了,作者从Struts 0.9版就在一个大规模的项目中应用了(最近升级到1.0版),至今还没有遇到什么麻烦问题。实际上,Struts在这个要开发复杂用户界面的项目中,为我们团队大大的缩短了开发时间,在此衷心的感谢Struts项目团队的所有开发人员。









使用Struts之前,咱们必先设置好JSP服务器,以便让服务器在用户请求时,知道该如何将指定后缀的请求转到相应的Controller-Struts ActionServlet处理,当然,这些配置信息都一般在服务器启动时通过web.xml文件读入的。我们可以在web.xml定义多个Controlloer,为每一个应用定义一个。一个典型的web.xml文件配置如下,其中有相应的注释,很好懂的,在后面讨论Action的时候,我们将主要分析strutc-config.xml。   回复  更多评论   














