# re: Eclipse 3.5 Galileo不能启动问题的解决 回复 更多评论
2009-08-07 03:40 by
# re: Eclipse 3.5 Galileo不能启动问题的解决 回复 更多评论
2009-08-08 08:55 by
# re: Eclipse 3.5 Galileo不能启动问题的解决[未登录] 回复 更多评论
2009-08-19 04:06 by
Specifying the Java virtual machine
Here is a typical Eclipse command line:
eclipse -vm c:\jdk1.4.2\jre\bin\javaw
Tip: It's generally a good idea to explicitly specify which Java VM to use when running Eclipse. This is achieved with the "-vm" command line argument as illustrated above. If you don't use "-vm", Eclipse will look on the O/S path. When you install other Java-based products, they may change your path and could result in a different Java VM being used when you next launch Eclipse.
To create a Windows shortcut to an installed Eclipse:
1. Navigate to eclipse.exe in Windows Explorer and use Create Shortcut on the content menu.
2. Select the shortcut and edit its Properties. In the Target: field append the command line arguments.
Opening this shortcut launches Eclipse. (You can drag the shortcut to the Windows Desktop if you want to keep it in easy reach.)
# re: Eclipse 3.5 Galileo不能启动问题的解决[未登录] 回复 更多评论
2009-08-23 11:31 by