快乐生活 !
posted on 2007-03-23 11:36 advincenting 阅读(7661) 评论(5) 编辑 收藏
good 回复 更多评论
wonderful 回复 更多评论
错了,hood的意思是汽车的引擎盖子,这是under the hood的最初来源,不是指魔术中的道具 回复 更多评论
个人认为,这位老兄的说法比较靠谱http://fred.ipod.to/blog/?post/782 回复 更多评论
觉得应该是:隐藏的,不对外暴露的。As this implementation is so powerful, even Netty uses it under the hood to handle its I/O events, which are triggered by read and write operations on the socket. These read and write operations are part of the network API thats provided by Java and the underlying operating system. 回复 更多评论