Developer from Toronto

Wanting to be the 10,000,001th developer

Glassfish and DerbyDb

0. %JAVA_HOME% is set and %JAVA_HOME%\bin is on the %PATH%;
1. Download;
2. Extract to c:\glassfishv3
3. DerbyDb is in the folder c:\glassfishv3\javadb;
4. Set enviroment variables(my computer->properties->advanced system setting->environment variables):
       i: derby_home = c:\glassfishv3\javadb
      ii: path=%path%;%derby_home%\bin;
     iii: CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%derby_home%\lib\derby.jar;%derby_home%\lib\derbyrun.jar;%derby_home% \lib\derbyclient.jar;
6. In Windows cmd window(start->run->cmd) c:\temp>java -jar %derby_home%\lib\derbyrun.jar server start;
7. Start Glassfish(c:\glassfishv3\glassfish\bin\startserv.bat);
8. Browser URL http://localhost:4848;
9. Login as admin if admin password is set, otherwise the login is skipped;
10. In glassfish admin console(http://localhost:4848) Resources->JDBC->connection pools->DerbyPool->ping;
11. "Ping Succeeeded".

posted on 2010-10-09 12:08 Zhao Wei 阅读(26) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏


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