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Multiple inheritance and the this pointer

Single classes first

To understand how the this pointer works in class heirachies that use multiple inheritance, we start by examining how the compiler uses the instance pointer to access the class's members by dissecting a simpler example.

Say we've defined the following:

class Foo
    int a;
    int b;    

void modifyFoo(Foo* foo)
    foo->a = 1;
    foo->b = 2;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Foo* foo = new Foo();
    delete foo;
When you create an instance of Foo, the new operator allocates a chunk of memory big enough to hold the class's members. Since Foo has no virtual methods and no ancestor classes, the class needs to be simply as large as the data members themselves are (possibly plus padding - adjustable with most compilers, usually will only be applied if you're using types smaller than words).

You can easily check this; sizeof(Foo) in the above example will return sizeof(foo->a)+sizeof(foo->b), which is 2*sizeof(int) - 8 bytes on a 32-bit platform and 16 on a 64-bit platform (we try this out below).

So for this example, our foo pointer in main() is really a pointer to an 8-byte or 16-byte chunk of memory containing the data members of Foo; at compile time, the compiler tracks the fact that this is a Foo* pointer, but that won't show up in the compiled code. If you have a look at the disassembly for modifyFoo(), what you'll find is that the expressions like foo->a get translated to '*(foo + the offset of Foo::a vs. the instance pointer, in bytes)' - so for our example, &foo->a will be the same pointer as foo, and &foo->b will be foo+sizeof(foo->a), ie. foo+4 on 32-bit platforms, foo+8 on 64-bit platforms.

It's worth pausing to check that this actually works. Adding and running the following method:

void Foo::dump()
        << "Foo::dump():" << endl
        << "sizeof(Foo) = " << sizeof(Foo) << endl
        << "sizeof(*this) = " << sizeof(*this) << endl
        << "sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) = "
        <<  sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) << endl
        << "offsetof(Foo, a) = " << offsetof(Foo, a) << endl
        << "offsetof(Foo, b) = " << offsetof(Foo, b) << endl
        << "this = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) this << endl
        << "&this->a = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->a << endl
        << "&this->b = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->b << endl
        << dec << endl;
will, on a 32-bit system with normal 32-bit packing, produce something like:
sizeof(Foo) = 8
sizeof(*this) = 8
sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) = 8
offsetof(Foo, a) = 0
offsetof(Foo, b) = 4
this = 0x80518a8
&this->a = 0x80518a8
&this->b = 0x80518ac
as we expected. (Obviously, the actual memory addresses are meaningless and will change.)

We'll see later that data members are not the only thing that contribute to the size of an object; polymorphic classes also need a vtable pointer, which is discussed in the section on polymorphic types and the dynamic_cast operator.

Then simple inheritance

Next, we look at what happens to the this pointer if we descend from our base class, Foo, like this:

class Desc:
    public Foo
    void dump();

    int z;
When you create an instance of Desc, the memory allocated will now be just big enough to hold both Foo's members and Desc's members; in fact, the compiler will just put Desc's members straight after Foo's - this:
void Desc::dump()

        << "Desc::dump():" << endl
        << "sizeof(Desc) = " << sizeof(Desc) << endl
        << "sizeof(*this) = " << sizeof(*this) << endl
        << "sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + sizeof(z) = "
        <<  sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + sizeof(z) << endl
        << "offsetof(Desc, a) = " << offsetof(Desc, a) << endl
        << "offsetof(Desc, b) = " << offsetof(Desc, b) << endl
        << "offsetof(Desc, z) = " << offsetof(Desc, z) << endl
        << "this = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) this << endl
        << "&this->a = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->a << endl
        << "&this->b = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->b << endl
        << "&this->z = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->z << endl
        << dec << endl;
will, in the same conditions as above, print something like:
sizeof(Foo) = 8
sizeof(*this) = 8
sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) = 8
offsetof(Foo, a) = 0
offsetof(Foo, b) = 4
this = 0x80518a8
&this->a = 0x80518a8
&this->b = 0x80518ac

sizeof(Desc) = 12
sizeof(*this) = 12
sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + sizeof(z) = 12
offsetof(Desc, z) = 8
this = 0x80518a8
&this->z = 0x80518b0
So no suprises there - Desc instances are sizeof(z) bytes bigger than Foo instances, and the z member is just placed sizeof(b) bytes past the b member.

One interesting thing to note is that even though the instance is a Desc, Foo::dump() still only saw sizeof(*this) == 8 (sizeof is evaluated at compile time, purely in the context of the class itself, so does not include the subclass data).

Multiple inheritance

But we're about to get a nasty surprise. Let's define another simple class, Bar, and then make a class, Multi, that descends from both Foo and Bar:

class Bar
    void dump();

    int c;

void Bar::dump()
        << "Bar::dump():" << endl
        << "sizeof(Bar) = " << sizeof(Bar) << endl
        << "sizeof(*this) = " << sizeof(*this) << endl
        << "sizeof(c) = " <<  sizeof(c) << endl
        << "offsetof(Bar, c) = " << offsetof(Bar, c) << endl
        << "this = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) this << endl
        << "&this->c = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->c << endl
        << dec << endl;

class Multi:
	public Foo,
	public Bar
	void dump();

	int y;

void Multi::dump()

        << "Multi::dump():" << endl
        << "sizeof(Multi) = " << sizeof(Multi) << endl
        << "sizeof(*this) = " << sizeof(*this) << endl
        << "sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + sizeof(c) + sizeof(y) = "
        <<  sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + sizeof(c) + sizeof(y) << endl
        << "offsetof(Multi, y) = " << offsetof(Multi, y) << endl
        << "this = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) this << endl
        << "&this->a = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->a << endl
        << "&this->b = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->b << endl
        << "&this->c = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->c << endl
        << "&this->y = 0x" << hex << (intptr_t) &this->y << endl
        << dec << endl;
this produces something like:
sizeof(Foo) = 8
sizeof(*this) = 8
sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) = 8
offsetof(Foo, a) = 0
offsetof(Foo, b) = 4
this = 0x80518e8
&this->a = 0x80518e8
&this->b = 0x80518ec

sizeof(Bar) = 4
sizeof(*this) = 4
sizeof(c) = 4
offsetof(Bar, c) = 0
this = 0x80518f0
&this->c = 0x80518f0

sizeof(Multi) = 16
sizeof(*this) = 16
sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + sizeof(c) + sizeof(y) = 16
offsetof(Multi, y) = 12
this = 0x80518e8
&this->a = 0x80518e8
&this->b = 0x80518ec
&this->c = 0x80518f0
&this->y = 0x80518f4

Examine this output carefully, and note:

  • The this pointer was the same for Foo::dump() and Multi::dump(), but different for Bar::dump(). See below for discussion.
  • Despite that (in fact, because of it), all the dump() methods agreed on the actual memory locations of the fields (a, b, c, and y).
  • All the sizeof values agreed with what we'd expect - the size of any base classes plus the size of the fields.

The clue to what's going on here is that in Bar::dump(), the offset of c is 0. The Bar class doesn't know that you're going to multiple-inherit from it (remember that you could use Bar on its own as well, so it has to be compiled independently this way, just the same way that Foo was), so it expects this to point to the start of its memory.

When you use multiple inheritance and make a call to Bar::dump(), the compiler passes a this that's been adjusted to point to the start of the Bar instance inside our Multi. It does this automatically, and normally you don't need to worry about it.

A note regarding offsetof and multiple inheritance

Before we move on to the implications of that, you may be wondering why I didn't output the following in Multi::dump():

        << "offsetof(Multi, a) = " << offsetof(Multi, a) << endl
        << "offsetof(Multi, b) = " << offsetof(Multi, b) << endl
        << "offsetof(Multi, c) = " << offsetof(Multi, c) << endl
The answer is that it doesn't compile with some compilers! And justifiably too, in my opinion. gcc, for example, would output:
invalid reference to NULL ptr, use ptr-to-member instead
To understand this error you have to look at the stddef definition of offsetof (it's a macro, not an operator like sizeof):
#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
- which basically says, 'hypothetically, if I had a TYPE object at address 0, what address would the MEMBER member of it have' (0 being a convenient choice because then we don't have to subtract anything off to get the offset of MEMBER vs. that object instance address).

gcc recognises that the only useful way to work out what the offsets are when you have multiple inheritance is to do the special casts discussed below, and since these can't possibly be done on the NULL pointer - you can never have an object instance at address 0 - it gives an error.

Some compilers, Borland's for example, are quite happy with the operation and will compile it and Borland's does indeed return the desired result in this case. But you really, really don't want to be addressing members using offsets with multiple inheritance, because you would have to see a different offsetof in the different classes - Multi::dump would have to see an offsetof(Multi, c) of 12, even though offsetof(Bar, c) is 0... Which would be an accident waiting to happen; IMHO it's not a bad thing if the compiler prevents this inconsistency from surfacing.

Obviously, you shouldn't normally be using offsetof to access members anyway, but it's definitely an even worse idea with MI. Regardless, doing so is not compatible with some common compilers, and should be avoided.

Which class is at zero?

One final note before we move on: why was it Foo that shared the same this pointer value as Multi, and Bar that had an offset this? The answer is simply that Foo was the first class that we listed as a superclass.

In C++ when you use multiple inheritance, the order in which you list the superclasses does matter: the superclasses will be constructed in that order (and therefore destroyed in the reverse order), and the members will be laid out in that order too, meaning that the first superclass will normally have 0 offset from the instance pointer (I say 'normally' because there is an exception if the subclass is polymorphic but the first superclass wasn't - we'll see why later).

The danger of unsafe casts

From the above discussion, one thing that's not clear is why you should care. The compiler correctly adjusts everything so that the base classes find their own members correctly, and the subclass has no problem accessing them; you don't need to do anything special when accessing the class from outside either. So why did I feel the need to write up a page explaining all this?

The answer is: unsafe casts will not work correctly with multiple inheritance.

C++ introduced a number of new casting operators: static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, and const_cast (they look more like templates than operators, but that's what they're called). Each of these is different to C-style casts, and so we actually have 5 different cast operators.

A full discussion of what each of these casts does is beyond the scope of this document (if I get enough requests, I'll write up a seperate article), so we will confine ourselves to considering what happens when we apply these cast operators to instances of objects with multiple inheritance. const_cast is therefore irrelevant to our discussion (it just adds or removes const and/or volatile qualification), leaving us four.

Let's start by trying them. Given our multi instance in the program above, we get these pointers out of our casts:
Original multi
pointer: 0x80518e8
Cast to
Cast to
Cast to
C-style cast 0x80518e8 0x80518e8 0x80518f0
C-style cast to void*,
then C-style cast to type
0x80518e8 0x80518e8 0x80518e8
reinterpret_cast 0x80518e8 0x80518e8 0x80518e8
static_cast 0x80518e8 0x80518e8 0x80518f0
dynamic_cast 0x80518e8 0x80518e8 0x80518f0
(As usual, actual values are irrelevant - just look at which values are different. To try these out yourself, download the example code at the end of the article.)

The first surprise in the above results is that if you use the old, C-style casts (for example, '(Bar*) multi', the compiler will adjust the pointer value, as it does for static_cast and dynamic_cast. In other words, in C++, C-style casts do not just do a plain copy-the-appropriate-number-of-bits as they did in C; it may actually involve adjustment of the pointer value (I certainly didn't expect that!).

But the other bit of important news here is that if we do a C-style cast to void* and then cast the result of that to our second type, the compiler cannot perform its address-adjustment magic, because it has no way of knowing that the void* is actually a Multi*; and worse, the same problem occurs if you static_cast to void* and then static_cast to our desired type (eg 'static_cast<Bar*>(static_cast<void*>(multi))') - that cast to Bar* returns the wrong result!.

reinterpret_cast, we can see, doesn't do any adjustment, it just reinterprets the literal bits of our multi pointer as another type of pointer completely. That will return the wrong value when casting classes with multiple inheritance, as we'd expect from the description of reinterpret_cast

These results give us the most important conclusions of this article: Never use C-style casts to convert pointers or references between object types, and secondly, Avoid using static_cast to downcast, and never use it with multiple inheritance. Instead:

  • If you want to convert the pointer value literally, without adjustment and without real type checks, use reinterpret_cast. This will not come up very often.
  • If you want to cast an instance pointer to a superclass, use static_cast; dynamic_cast will also work, but is unnecessary. static_cast checks the type relationships at compile-time, and has no unnecessary runtime overhead; dynamic_cast has runtime overhead and also imposes the extra requirement discussed below - but you might still prefer to use it for consistency sometimes.
  • If you want to convert a superclass pointer down to a descendant type, always use dynamic_cast; it will check at runtime that the pointer is in fact an instance of the descendant type, and will adjust it if necessary, making this the only option that works with downcasting objects with multiple inheritance. See the section on downcasting below, which explains one change you may have to make to make this compile.

(Note that this summary discusses only casting object instance pointers between related types - there are many other things you might do with them, outside the scope of this document.)


'Downcasting' is the term used to describe casting a pointer or reference to a class 'down' the class heirachy - to one of its subclasses.

Why reinterpret_casts can't downcast

When you reinterpret_cast an instance pointer, the operator simply makes a pointer of the requested type with exactly the same address as the original. Therefore while reinterpet_cast will work fine if you are downcasting from a superclass to a subclass with no multiple inheritance anywhere in it's ancestry, it won't work in the general case - it'll compile and run, but will produce the wrong pointer.

For the example above, that pointer will be right for casting a void* down to a Foo*, or a Foo* down to a Multi*, but that's only because it happens that both Foo and Multi start at offset 0 (and even that can't be relied upon - if Multi is later made polymorphic, it will no longer be true); it won't work if you try to downcast a void* that actually points to a Multi* to a Bar*, because while Bar starts at offset 0 on its own, when it's a part of a Multi, it starts at offset 8 (or whatever).

(Note that this document makes no attempt to provide a general explanation of the utility or otherwise of reinterpret_cast, discussing only what's relevant to the matter of multiple inheritance.)

Why static_casts can't safely downcast

One might at first hope that static_cast could do the job. Sadly however, when starting with a pointer to a Foo or a Bar, there's no way to know, at compile time, from that type alone (which is all static_cast inspects) that it's actually a pointer to an object that's not only a Foo or a Bar but is in fact a Multi.

So the compiler will essentially do the same as it did for reinterpret_cast; if you cast our multi instance to a void* and then try to static_cast it back down to a Bar, it'll compile, but return the wrong result, because it doesn't know that this is not really a Bar - it's a Multi, which puts the Bar superclass instance at a nonzero offset. The compiler can't even check that the pointer you're casting is composed of a Bar instance at all, let alone know where the Bar is placed inside; so it just unsafely does the cast (I wish it gave an error - after all you can get that behaviour with other operators, if you really want it).

Again, note that this document makes no attempt to provide a general explanation of the use and limitations of static_cast; there's a lot more to know about this operator not directly relevant here.

Polymorphic types: Why dynamic_casts can downcast

The only operator that can successfully downcast is dynamic_cast. However, there is one catch: in order for downcasts to be possible, the base type you are casting from must be polymorphic.

Polymorphic is a general OOP term with which I assume readers are familiar. However, in the context of the C++ language, it has a specific and tangible meaning: polymorphic classes are those that have at least one virtual method (including destructors, and also including pure virtual methods - so you can just define a dummy private pure virtual method if you want to force a base class to be polymorphic but have no other virtuals).

The implication of a C++ class being polymorphic is that it has a vtable. A vtable ('virtual(s) table') is simply a static data structure (one per class, not per instance - all Foo instances share the same vtable, all Bar instances share another) that lists a number of things, including the table of all the virtual methods, and some metadata regarding the class itself and its ancestors, the latter being the part that is of use to us here.

vtables are created by the compiler and generally remain hidden to the application; you shouldn't ever need to access them directly. A fully detailed discussion of the contents of vtables falls outside the scope of this document, but thankfully, you don't need to know exactly what's in them for the problem at hand; we'll just look at how they're placed and how they help with downcasts.

If we make, say, our Foo class polymorphic, which we could do by (for example) adding a virtual tag to our definition of dump(), we notice that the sizeof(Foo) increases by the size of a pointer (4 bytes on my 32-bit PC), and that offsetof(Foo, a) and offsetof(Foo, b) will both increase by the size of a pointer too.

This is not a coincidence: when the compiler compiles the polymorphic class, it creates a vtable for it, and it now stores a pointer to this vtable at the very start of every instance (storing that pointer is one of the many jobs that is performed automatically by the constructor).

When the compiler compiles a normal subclass of a polymorphic class, it will make a new vtable for that subclass, but the instances of this subclass don't have to have pointers to both the superclass vtables and the subclass vtables separately, because the vtable for the subclass includes everything that the vtable for the superclass contained. So the size overhead of being polymorphic for a normal class is just one pointer per instance, regardless of how deep in the ancestry it is (again, the vtable itself is just one per class).

But this isn't quite enough if we're using multiple inheritance. Making any of the superclasses polymorphic is enough to make Multi polymorphic. But, if we made Bar polymorphic too, then it too would always have a vtable pointer at the start of its instance data. And since all Multi instances have what is effectively a standalone Bar instance embedded somewhere inside them (remember that you can cast the subclass instance to that superclass, so it must be able to work just like a real standalone Bar would), Multi will now have to have two vtable pointers - at the very start of our Multi instance will be the pointer to the combined Foo+Multi vtable, and at the offset of the Bar inside the Multi will be the pointer to the combined Bar+Multi vtable.

You don't need to know that, but if you're interested in how vtables work, convince yourself that this is so. You can test this theory out by noting that adding virtual methods to Multi adds no more instance size overhead once the Foo superclass is polymorphic, but that making Bar polymorphic as well does increase the size of Multi instances by one pointer.

Let's get back on track. We've said that all instances of polymorphic classes have a vtable pointer at the start of the instance. This is great because now, if we have a pointer to any polymorphic class, we can inspect the vtable and determine what the 'actual' type of that object is. So, even if we were given a Foo* or a Bar*, if we inspected the vtable, we'd be able to see if this is actually a Multi instance, not just a plain Foo or Bar instance.

And this is just what the dynamic_cast operator does for us: dynamic_cast inspects the vtable of the polymorphic class instance you pass it to check that is actually an instance of whatever type you are trying to convert to - and if so, then it calculates if an offset is required to do the conversion and does it.

The offset for converting a Foo* to a Multi* would in the simplest case be 0 (and likewise for going back the other way). But to convert a Bar* to a Multi*, dynamic_cast would find from the vtable that the Bar instance is embedded some distance into the Multi (12 bytes when I run my test code), and it therefore subtracts that many bytes to find the correct address of the enclosing Multi from the Bar* pointer it started with.

So there you have it: dynamic_cast is the solution to the downcasting problem; the unavoidable cost is that your classes must be polymorphic. That constraint may annoy you sometimes because it means that you can't directly downcast from types like void*, but in practice you should find that even if you're stuffing your instance pointers into void*s for a callback or whatever from a C library you're using, you will at least know what the base class is, so you can statically cast to that, and then dynamic_cast to perform the downcast; if not, you'll just have to declare one. That one issue aside, the overhead is generally small enough to not be an issue.


Whether you are using multiple inheritance or not, remember:

  • Don't rely on the this pointer having the same value everywhere if you're using multiple inheritance - cast it properly if necessary to get a 'canonical' pointer.
  • Never hardcode the offset of members relative to the instance pointer, and avoid using offsetof unless strictly necessary (rare).
  • Don't use C-style casts to convert pointers or references between object types - use reinterpret_cast if you want an unsafe, unadjusted conversion, or static_cast or dynamic_cast as below.
  • If you want to cast an instance pointer to a superclass, use static_cast or dynamic_cast; the former is more efficient.
  • If you want to convert a superclass pointer down to a descendant type, always use dynamic_cast.

Example code

I encourage readers to download the example code for this article and try out the variations and effects for themselves.

from: http://carcino.gen.nz/tech/cpp/multiple_inheritance_this.php

posted on 2005-10-16 16:41 weidagang2046 阅读(730) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: C/C++


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using namespace std;

class A
int a;

printf("A: %p\n", this);

class B
int b;

printf("B: %p\n", this);

class C : public A, public B
int c;

printf("C: %p\n", this);


int main()
C objC;
return 0;
2005-10-25 21:36 | weidagang2046

