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JasperSoft now provide many powerful extension around JasperReports.


JasperServer is specifically designed to provide a Web application around JasperReports. Continuing the philosophy of JasperReports, JasperServer is aimed at providing a managed, stand alone Web reporting environment, as well as being able to be embedded in existing Java Web applications, and services to a variety of technologies through Web services, including the LAMP stack. By focusing on a clean business API and using an advanced inversion of control architecture, JasperServer can be easily integrated and customized for your needs.

JasperIntelligence is an open source business intelligence platform from JasperSoft, providing common services like security and metadata management, and the capability to easily add additional functionality. The JasperServer is the first service using the JasperIntelligence platform. Following soon will be:

  • Report and metadata designers integrated with the platform
  • OLAP user interfaces
  • Data warehouse management environments
  • Data integration services (ETL)


JasperServer Planned Features

  • Additional report data source types: Hibernate, EJB, POJO, XML
  • RTF output of reports through the user interface
  • Additional input control types
    - Multiple select
    - Select from a database lookup
  • Import and export of repository contents
    - Supports moving between repositories ie. test to production
  • Web services and PHP example application
    - Support for PDF, Excel and RTF report renderings
  • iReport plugin for repository browsing and report deployment
    - Includes Web services for repository management
  • User Search
  • Integration of external authentication mechanisms, such as LDAP, JAAS
  • Session management without the use of cookies
  • Internationalization of the Web user interface
  • Management of resource bundles through the user interface
  • User Preferences
  • Scheduled report generation
    - Includes storage of generated content and notifications of new reports to interested users via email
  • Saving report parameters and rerunning reports using saved parameters
  • Additional documentation
    - Architecture overview
    - Javadoc
posted on 2006-05-14 15:15 Welkin Hu 阅读(873) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java


# re: Waiting for JasperIntelligence 2006-05-15 13:41 Flyingis
It's a great news for report development.  回复  更多评论

