fedora11 出来了,首先到网吧去下了两天才下成功,现在到好一切正常,用起来也巴适。遇到好多的问题一路下来都解决了。
唉,就eclipse安装上 无法启动:
[root@wenjiale eclipse]# ls
about_files artifacts.xml dropins eclipse.ini features notice.html plugins
about.html configuration eclipse epl-v10.html libcairo-swt.so p2 readme
[root@wenjiale eclipse]# ./eclipse
错误:Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are
that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale
NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/
for information. (Details - 1: 获取到会话的连接失败:Did not receive a reply.
Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply,
the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout
expired, or the network connection was broken.