JbpmConfiguration:configuration of one jBPM instance.
JbpmContext:is used to surround persistent operations to processes.
ProcessInstance:is one execution of a
. To create a new process execution of a process definition, just use the
ContextInstance:maintains all the key-variable pairs for a process instance
findTaskInstances(java.lang.String actorId) get the tasllist for a given actor.(根据角色得到此角色的任务列表)
loadTaskInstance(long taskInstanceId) get the task instance for a given task instance-id.(根据实例ID获得任务实例)
end() marks this task as done.
end(java.lang.String transitionName) marks this task as done and specifies the name of a transition leaving the task-node for the case that the completion of this task instances triggers a signal on the token.