NND,郁闷的事情总是一件接着一件, 今天升级到 Hardy RC,结果,eclipse每次启动的时候,要出错,说:
Could not initialize the application's security component.
The most likely cause is problems with files in your application's profile directory.
Please check that this directory has no read/write restrictions and your hard disk is not full or close to full.
It is recommended that you exit the application and fix the problem.
If you continue to use this session, you might see incorrect application behaviour when accessing security features.
把整个eclipse目录和workspace都给了 777的权限,还是报错。
几经Google,终于找到一个处理方法: mkdir ~/.mozilla/eclipse
安装MyEclipse插件后,打开JSP文件时,出现:"processing dirty regions" 的错误, 解决办法是:删除原eclipse目录下,plugins/org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui_1.××××××.jar , 或者是禁用掉原eclipse的WST插件。
“The Linux WYSIWYG design panel is still under development. To access an experimental version of this design panel restart with the commandline argument -Dlinux.experimental=true”
posted on 2008-04-21 17:38
xiaosilent 阅读(1340)
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