今天觉得非常的郁闷,人在最脆弱的时候往往是情绪波动最大的时候,总觉得自己在上海分外的孤单寂寞,每次一些小小的郁闷和悲伤都能够让我非常恋旧,非常想念北京和家里,本来自以为很坚强的自己不知道什么时候也开始变得有些多愁善感了。对北京和家里的思念一年来一直不断,多次有回京的想法,可是对现在的工作还是有些不舍,而最不舍得是我有一个非常非常好的老板,很难讲自己以后可以找到一个一样nice的老板,but the feeling of loness has been frastrating me for a long time, I always have the feeling that I am just a visitor of this city, few friends, just come here spending some time for holiday.
Meantime, it seems that the longer I stay here, the more difficult I can leave, for the worst case that I have no choice but to stay here, I still need a reasonable reason to persuade myself. But for now, I have not found that reason yet. Actually, it is the reason that I do not think good enough at present.
Well, do be happy anytime is the dream I have been persuing from the very begining.
posted on 2007-06-30 19:25
潇潇雨 阅读(203)
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