在日本呆了快两个星期了,也该回去,I have some homesick now.But before I leave, I had a very nice night with my friends here. We went to see the fireworks in Isahaya, because it's the summer festival here. The fireworks was very beautiful and amazing here, and also there are many candles on the river, I liked them very much.
After the fireworks, we went to a convinient store to buy some drinks and walked and drinked. During the walk, we saw there was a ver nice bar along the road, and we went into the bar and saw three of our friends there too, how nice. we then had drink together and talked. 和一堆朋友聊天总是一件非常有趣的事情,尤其是在你可以relax的时候,Myk在fireworks的时候找了一些照片,估计很不错,不过我们去的时候他们已经呆了一会了,所以很快就离开了,也没有看到Myk照的照片,我和Arodol继续聊天,Arodol总是一个非常nice的人,也很爱讲话,而且是非常逗非常逗的那种,总是会听到非常多的有趣的故事,后来我们就开始说英语发音的问题了,Arodol发现我的英语有一些发音不是很标准,就帮我纠正了一些,然后很nice的说给我寄 lost的CD,太感动了~~
posted on 2007-07-25 22:42
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