<script type="text/javascript">
function sortkids(e) {
// This is the element whose children we are going to sort
if (typeof e == "string") e = document.getElementById(e);
// Transfer the element (but not text node) children of e to a real array
var kids = [];
for(var x = e.firstChild; x != null; x = x.nextSibling)
if (x.nodeType == 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */) kids.push(x);
// Now sort the array based on the text content of each kid.
// Assume that each kid has only a single child and it is a Text node
kids.sort(function(n, m) { // This is the comparator function for sorting
var s = n.firstChild.data; // text of node n
var t = m.firstChild.data; // text of node m
if (s < t) return -1; // n comes before m
else if (s > t) return 1; // n comes after m
else return 0; // n and m are equal
// Now append the kids back into the parent in their sorted order.
// When we insert a node that is already part of the document, it is
// automatically removed from its current position, so reinserting
// these nodes automatically moves them from their old position
// Note that any text nodes we skipped get left behind, however.
for(var i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) e.appendChild(kids[i]);
<ul id="list"> <!-- This is the list we'll sort -->
<li>one<li>two<li>three<li>four <!-- items are not in alphabetical order -->
<!-- this is the button that sorts the list -->
<button onclick="sortkids('list')">Sort list</button>