这几步是如果使用htmlarea3.0的说明,是在网上看到的. 在/htmlarea/examples/web-menu这个文件里有更为详细的说明.下边的这个链接的版本是多国语言版本,默认的语言为英语.
下载HTMLarea3.0 http://www.jhdown.com/soft/8/141/html/2006220010681.html,解压里面的文件到web站点的/htmlarea目录下(可以是自己建的目录,这里建议直接用htmlarea做为目录);
<script type="text/javascript">
_editor_url = "${pageContext.request.contextPath}/htmlarea/";
_editor_lang = "en";
<script type="text/javascript" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/htmlarea/htmlarea.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = null;
function initEditor() {
editor = new HTMLArea("content");
有句editor = new HTMLArea("content");"content"是表单中textarea属性的id,如:
<html:form action="/actionBbsreply.do?method=update" onsubmit="this['content'].value=editor.getHTML();">
<textarea cols="110" rows="15" id="content" name="content">
<bean:write name="bbsreply" property="content"/>
<html:submit value=" 提 交 ">
如:<body bgcolor="#ffffff" onload="initEditor()">
1、editor = new HTMLArea("content");参数值是表单中textarea属性id;
在使用的过程中发现,因为默认是英文语方,提示信息也是英文的, 这对于飞惯用中文的朋友来说很是不方便 ,如果要改变语言的话
_editor_lang = "en";
把上边代码里的._editor_lang="gb"理论上就可以了, 这样,当代码去运行的时候会找/lang文件夹下的gb.js文件,但是作者发布这套源代码的时候jb.js里的中文是用iso8859-1编码的,我用MyEclipse的javascriptEdit查看器(MyEclipse下*.js的默认)打开的时候看到的全是乱码,这就导至了在jsp页面出现错误.解决的办法就是在改变gb.js的文件的属性, 将编码格式改为utf-8的格式. 然后再加上en.js下边的
buttons: {
"ok": "确定",
"cancel": "取消"
msg: {
"Path": "路径",
"TEXT_MODE": "现在模式是文本模式. 按[<>]键切换到可视化编辑模式.",
"IE-sucks-full-screen" :
// translate here
"The full screen mode is known to cause problems with Internet Explorer, " +
"due to browser bugs that we weren't able to workaround. You might experience garbage " +
"display, lack of editor functions and/or random browser crashes. If your system is Windows 9x " +
"it's very likely that you'll get a 'General Protection Fault' and need to reboot.\n\n" +
"You have been warned. Please press OK if you still want to try the full screen editor."
dialogs: {
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Insert/Modify Link" : "Insert/Modify Link",
"New window (_blank)" : "New window (_blank)",
"None (use implicit)" : "None (use implicit)",
"OK" : "OK",
"Other" : "Other",
"Same frame (_self)" : "Same frame (_self)",
"Target:" : "Target:",
"Title (tooltip):" : "Title (tooltip):",
"Top frame (_top)" : "Top frame (_top)",
"URL:" : "URL:",
"You must enter the URL where this link points to" : "You must enter the URL where this link points to"
这些代码.如果有需要的话, 可以把右边属性的值翻译成汉语,这里还有一个要注意的地方就是要对照格式,我把我改正过的贴到这里, 方便查看
// I18N constants -- Chinese GB
// by Dave Lo -- dlo@interactivetools.com
HTMLArea.I18N = {
// the following should be the filename without .js extension
// it will be used for automatically load plugin language.
lang: "gb",
tooltips: {
bold: "粗体",
italic: "斜体",
underline: "底线",
strikethrough: "删除线",
subscript: "下标",
superscript: "上标",
justifyleft: "位置靠左",
justifycenter: "位置居中",
justifyright: "位置靠右",
justifyfull: "位置左右平等",
orderedlist: "位置左右平等",
unorderedlist: "无序清单",
outdent: "减小行前空白",
indent: "加宽行前空白",
forecolor: "文字颜色",
backcolor: "背景颜色",
horizontalrule: "水平线",
horizontalrule: "水平标尺",
createlink: "插入连结",
insertimage: "插入图形",
inserttable: "插入表格",
htmlmode: "切换HTML原始码",
popupeditor: "放大",
about: "关於 HTMLArea",
help: "说明",
textindicator: "字体例子"
buttons: {
"ok": "确定",
"cancel": "取消"
msg: {
"Path": "路径",
"TEXT_MODE": "现在模式是文本模式. 按[<>]键切换到可视化编辑模式.",
"IE-sucks-full-screen" :
// translate here
"The full screen mode is known to cause problems with Internet Explorer, " +
"due to browser bugs that we weren't able to workaround. You might experience garbage " +
"display, lack of editor functions and/or random browser crashes. If your system is Windows 9x " +
"it's very likely that you'll get a 'General Protection Fault' and need to reboot.\n\n" +
"You have been warned. Please press OK if you still want to try the full screen editor."
dialogs: {
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Insert/Modify Link" : "Insert/Modify Link",
"New window (_blank)" : "New window (_blank)",
"None (use implicit)" : "None (use implicit)",
"OK" : "OK",
"Other" : "Other",
"Same frame (_self)" : "Same frame (_self)",
"Target:" : "Target:",
"Title (tooltip):" : "Title (tooltip):",
"Top frame (_top)" : "Top frame (_top)",
"URL:" : "URL:",
"You must enter the URL where this link points to" : "You must enter the URL where this link points to"