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.NET 3.0 - Full

WinFX (.NET 3.0) - Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), InfoCard (Windows CardSpace) & Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)


  • NETFXGuide
  • Free Vista / .NET 3.0 E-Learning: All courses listed here
  • See the New Capabilities: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 and Visual Studio 2005: Learn about Windows Presentation Foundation and more new capabilities provided by the .NET Framework 3.0. Free collection from Microsoft Learning. Click here or here.
  • Get Started With Windows Workflow Foundation: Free clinic from Microsoft Learning: See the functionality and architecture of Windows Workflow Foundation, and learn how to use it with Visual Studio 2005 to build workflow-enabled applications. Click here.
  • Introduction to Developing with Windows Communication Foundation and Visual Studio 2005: Free clinic from Microsoft Learning: Learn how to create Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services and clients, and enhance WCF services. Click here.
  • .NET University Hands on Labs
  • .NET University schedule


WPF Blogs

WPF Whitepapers

WPF Videos

WPF Presentations
.NET University Windows Presentation Foundation PPTs

WPF Training

WPF Sample Applications

  • Cine.View: A WPF viewing application that exposes the NetFlix catalog and ordering capabilities created by the thirteen23 company. They also have a great viewer for Flickr.
  • New York Times Reader: A WPF content application that provides a rich browsing and reading experience for the paper's news content online in a Windows application
  • Karen Corby's Woodgrove Finance application: This is a WPF XAML Browser application that provides rich visualization of stock market data in a multi-paned WPF app that runs in the browser.
  • More samples


WCF Blogs

WCF Training
Clinic 5137 AE: Introduction to Developing with Windows Communication Foundation and Visual Studio 2005

WCF Whitepapers
MSDN: From .NET Remoting to the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

WCF Presentations
.NET University Windows Communication Foundation PPTs

WCF Webcasts

WCF Videos

WCF Sample Applications
ATLAS.ASP.NET: Using Windows Communication Foundation with "Atlas"


WF Blogs
MasteringBizTalk.com: Using WF to run a page-flow
MSDN Blogs: Windows Workflow Foundation vs BizTalk Server

WF Whitepapers

WF Training
Clinic 5136 AE: Introduction to Developing with Windows Workflow Foundation and Visual Studio 2005

WF Presentations
.NET University Windows Workflow Foundation PPTs

WF Lab
Ajax based Windows Workflow Designer

WF Videos


CardSpace Whitepapers
Windows Vista Developer Center:A Guide to Supporting InfoCard (now CardSpace) v1.0 Within Web Applications and Browsers.

CardSpace Presentations
.NET University Windows CardSpace PPTs

CardSpace Sample Applications
Introduction to CardSpace with Internet Explorer 7.0

posted on 2007-04-11 17:46 圣域飞侠 阅读(336) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 转载

# re: .NET 3.0 资源列表
2010-03-08 16:19 | freelancing career
Its' a really very good post. And you have shared all expected field of
.NET 3.0. Thanks a lot.  回复  更多评论

