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2006 929 星期五


-effective java item 23





凡事必有例外。某些情形下,参数检查是不应该执行的,例如这种检查代价昂贵或者不切实际,而且,(注意,是而且)合法性的检查在计算的过程中隐式的进行。例如一个对list里的object进行排序的方法,这些object必须是相互可比较的,否则,比较过程中就会抛出ClassCastException,这也正是排序方法应该抛出的异常,因而事先进行可比性的检查就无意义了。但如果不谨慎的使用这种隐式检查的技巧,就会损失错误的原子性,比如这个方法不仅仅是比较,而且还进行写操作,那么中途抛出异常的时候,已经有某些数据被改动了,你不得不进行roll back,否则就要接受一个半成品。这一方面在item 46里有更多的描述。另外,有时候这种隐式的检查所抛出的异常,也可能并非真正的病因,你还需要做些异常的“翻译”来指引真实的问题根源。



Friday, September 29, 2006

Check method parameters for validity, knowledge within a trivial spot

     -effective java item 23


Most of methods and constructors have constraints on their parameters, but whether carry out a validity check differs from people to people. Recalling my own programming experience, I did rush to implement the business without making a check. But rigid habit shall be kept here, the little effort really brings back a lot.

If an invalid parameter is passed into a method with checking, a prompt and clear exception will be thrown, the situation can be quite different without a check. The method may fail somewhere on the way, reporting a confusing exception or error; to be worse, the method executed successfully, but giving back a wrong result, and the worst one, the method end with a correct result, but corrupted some relevant objects during the process, and these latent problems will break out somewhere or sometime you never know.

Therefore, the benefits of checking for validity actually comes from the fact that possibly lots of problems will appear without the checking. The door was too open and brings too much threat to future situation.

Besides checking parameters for calculation, more attention shall be put on the checking on parameters that are stored for later use. Without the checking, errors will occur sometime when the original instances are difficult to trace, which brings miserable experience to the debugging process. I supposed quite a lot of coders had tasted that. Constructors are a representative case, most of the parameters of constructors are for later uses, invalid parameters will violate invariants of the class, the exception it caused can be very weird and hard to solve.

There is exception. In some case which validity checking is expensive or impractical and the check can be perform implicitly in the process of calculation. For instance, a method sorting a list, for such a method, the objects in the list must be mutually comparable, otherwise a ClassCastException will be thrown, and it is exactly the exception a sorting methods should throws, so it will be meaningless to check them ahead of time. However, indiscriminate application of such techniques can lead to the loss of failure atomicity. For example, the method does more than sorting, it also do some writing operation of the objects, in such case, by the time an exception is thrown, some of the objects have already been modified, you have to roll back, or, accept a half complete result. This is discussed in detail in item 46. What’s more, sometimes exception thrown by implicit check can not tell the really problems, and you have to do some “exception translating” for revealing the real cause.

The above information does not means that arbitrary restrictions on parameters are a good thing. In fact, you shall put fewer restrictions on them as long as the method is capable of dealing the parameters. By this way we get more general methods.

To summarize, you shall consider what restrictions should exist on the parameters when you are writing a method or constructor, and document for them, apply explicit check in the beginning of the method body, it is important to get into the habit of doing this, this modest work will start pay back at the first time a validity check fails.

posted on 2006-09-29 13:36 Ye Yiliang 阅读(1495) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

# re: 检查方法参数,平凡处的学问 2006-09-30 11:27 hsp
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