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  A 13-year-old girl committed suicide on July 10.Because of not good results in her middle school admission exams,she was unable to attend any of the local "key schools" unless pay fees totalling 100,000 yuan. It is certainly sorriness and a victim of the current education system.The competition for places at key schools is relentless and ferocious.It is a cruel war without the smoke of gunpowder.Students are the victims of the unbalanced development of key schools and ordinary schools.Ordinary schools cannot compete with the key schools.Their conditions are deteriorating.The stronger get stronger while the weaker get weaker.Key schools only enrol two kinds of students — the most talented and the rich.If you are one of the top 10 students in your school, you may have the chance to be enrolled. Otherwise, you need wealthy parents who can make huge donations to the key school.
posted on 2005-08-01 21:05 永琪 阅读(806) 评论(3)  编辑  收藏

# re: China's elite education makes children suffer somewhat
2005-08-04 12:24 | tanri
"result in" it is mean 'have a specified effect or consequence"
"It is certainly sorriness and a victim of the current education system."
i think it should "It is certainly sorriness what a victim of the current education system!"
The (?)stronger get stronger while the weaker get weaker
you may have the chance to be enrolled.
i think it should ' you should have the chance being enrolled'
i cannot make certain about my advice , if you have any question about it, let's discuss it , all right ? my brother !
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# re: China's elite education makes children suffer somewhat
2005-09-02 19:04 | yongqi
It is certainly sorriness and a victim of the current education system.
这一句中的and 改成 what不合理,sorriness和后面的都是名词,属于并列成分,如果改成what该句子就有语法错误了

you may have the chance to be enrolled. 也是对的。

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# re: China's elite education makes children suffer somewhat
2009-12-08 17:22 | karen

fcuk those idiot policy and terms made by those stupid education org.   回复  更多评论

