
public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
return put(key, value, true);

// 这里的第三个参数代表是否持久化缓存

private Object put(Object key, Object value, boolean persist) {

if (value == null) {// 默认是不支持空值的
throw new NullPointerException();

// 计算hash
int hash = hash(key);
// hash表,其实Entry本身是一个链表的结构,也就是hash桶
Entry[] tab = table;

// 将hash值与hash表的长度按位与得到初始位置
int index = hash & (tab.length - 1);

// first指的是hash表中Entry链表的第一个元素
Entry first = tab[index];
Entry e = first;

for (;;) {

if (e == null) {// 如果哈希表当前位置是空位

synchronized (this) {
tab = table;

Object oldValue = null;

// Remove an item if the cache is full

if (size() >= maxEntries) {// 如果缓存已满,需要挑选一个Entry移出
// part of fix CACHE-255: method should return old value
// 挑选要移出的key的方法#removeItem()是由之类去实现的
oldValue = remove(removeItem(), false, false);

if (first == tab[index]) {// 这里是对可能存在的并发更新的处理
// Add to front of list
Entry newEntry = null;

if (memoryCaching) {
newEntry = new Entry(hash, key, value, first);

} else {
newEntry = new Entry(hash, key, NULL, first);

tab[index] = newEntry;

// 通知具体实现值已经放入缓存的回调

// Persist if required
// 这里如果配置文件中cache.memory=false并且cache.persistence.overflow.only=true程序就进入了一个混乱的状态了
// 因为内存中的Entry值为NULL,并且不会调用持久化存储
// 所以这两个配置项配合的话只有3种情况了
// (1) memory=true, overflow=true:使用内存缓存,溢出的数据持久化
// (1) memory=true, overflow=false:使用内存缓存,溢出的数据不处理
// (1) memory=false, overflow=false:使用持久化缓存

if (persist && !overflowPersistence) {// 如果需要持久化保存
persistStore(key, value);

// If we have a CacheEntry, update the group lookups

if (value instanceof CacheEntry) {
// 更新缓存的分组信息,其实AbstractConcurrentReadCache
// 用一个HashMap保存了分组名和各个key之间的一个映射 groupname -> Set<Key>
updateGroups(null, (CacheEntry) value, persist);

// 如果数量大于threshold(capacity * 装填因子(loadfactor))

if (++count >= threshold) {// 是否rehash

} else {

return oldValue;

} else {
// 如果当前hash表发生了变化,即发生了并发插入缓存的操作,此时需要进入这个分支
// #sput()里边的逻辑和#put()是类似的
return sput(key, value, hash, persist);

} else if ((key == e.key) || ((e.hash == hash) && key.equals(e.key))) {// 如果当前的key已经存在了,更新值
// synch to avoid race with remove and to
// ensure proper serialization of multiple replaces

synchronized (this) {
tab = table;

Object oldValue = e.value;

// [CACHE-118] - get the old cache entry even if there's no
// memory cache
// oldValue为NULL代表了是磁盘缓存

if (persist && (oldValue == NULL)) {
// 在磁盘里去的缓存值
oldValue = persistRetrieve(key);

if ((first == tab[index]) && (oldValue != null)) {

if (memoryCaching) {
// 缓存更新值
e.value = value;

// Persist if required

if (persist && overflowPersistence) {
// 如果缓存溢出需要持久化,在缓存持久化处移除这个值
// 因为现在内存中已经有这个值了,不能再持久化了
// 这里因为是更新,所以按理说不会有它对应的overflow缓存的啊?

} else if (persist) {// 持久化保存
persistStore(key, value);

updateGroups(oldValue, value, persist);

return oldValue;

} else {
return sput(key, value, hash, persist);

} else {// 将e指向Entry链表的下一个项目
e = e.next;

public Object get(Object key) {

if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("get called (key=" + key + ")");

// 计算hash
int hash = hash(key);

* Start off at the apparently correct bin. If entry is found, we need
* to check after a barrier anyway. If not found, we need a barrier to
* check if we are actually in right bin. So either way, we encounter
* only one barrier unless we need to retry. And we only need to fully
* synchronize if there have been concurrent modifications.
// 计算在hash表中的位置
Entry[] tab = table;
int index = hash & (tab.length - 1);
// Entry链表中的第一个数据
Entry first = tab[index];
Entry e = first;

for (;;) {

if (e == null) {
// If key apparently not there, check to
// make sure this was a valid read
// key没找到,再次查看hash表确定是否真的找不到了
tab = getTableForReading();

if (first == tab[index]) {
// Not in the table, try persistence
// 试着在持久化处找
Object value = persistRetrieve(key);

if (value != null) {
// Update the map, but don't persist the data
// 在持久化处找到数据的话需要更新hash表,但不去重新持久化
put(key, value, false);

return value;

} else {
// Wrong list -- must restart traversal at new first
e = first = tab[index = hash & (tab.length - 1)];
// checking for pointer equality first wins in most applications

else if ((key == e.key) || ((e.hash == hash) && key.equals(e.key))) {// 找到了数据
Object value = e.value;

if (value != null) {

if (NULL.equals(value)) {
// Memory cache disable, use disk
// 需要去缓存找数据
value = persistRetrieve(e.key);

if (value != null) {
// 调用回调

return value; // fix [CACHE-13]

} else {
// 调用回调

return value;

// Entry was invalidated during deletion. But it could
// have been re-inserted, so we must retraverse.
// To avoid useless contention, get lock to wait out
// modifications
// before retraversing.

synchronized (this) {
tab = table;

// 到这里其实是列表处于一个错误的状态了,重新循环
e = first = tab[index = hash & (tab.length - 1)];

} else {// 需要查看链表中的下一个元素
e = e.next;
private Collection list = new LinkedHashSet();

protected void itemRetrieved(Object key) {

while (removeInProgress) {

try {

} catch (InterruptedException ie) {

// 这里改变了list中元素的顺序

synchronized (list) {

protected void itemPut(Object key) {
// 这里改变了list中元素的顺序

synchronized (list) {

private Object removeFirst() {
Object toRemove = null;

synchronized (list) { // A further fix for CACHE-44 and CACHE-246
Iterator it = list.iterator();
toRemove = it.next();

return toRemove;
posted on 2010-12-16 09:19
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