1. The synchronized Keyword
Before the Lock and Condition interfaces were added to JDK 5.0, the Java language used a different concurrency mechanism. Ever since version 1.0, every object in Java has an implicit lock. If a method is declared with the synchronized keyword, then the object's lock protects the entire method. That is, to call the method, a thread must acquire the object lock.
In other words,

public synchronized void method()
method body

is the equivalent of

public void method()
method body
finally { implicitLock.unlock(); }

For example, instead of using an explicit lock, we can simply declare the transfer method of the Bank class as synchronized.
The implicit object lock has a single associated condition. The wait method adds a thread to the wait set, and the notifyAll/notify methods unblock waiting threads. In other words, calling wait or notifyAll is the equivalent of


However, the implicit locks and conditions have some limitations. Among them are:
You cannot interrupt a thread that is trying to acquire a lock.
You cannot specify a timeout when trying to acquire a lock.
Having a single condition per lock can be inefficient.
The virtual machine locking primitives do not map well to the most efficient locking mechanisms available in hardware.
What should you use in your codeLock and Condition objects or synchronized methods? Here is our recommendation:
1)It is best to use neither Lock/Condition nor the synchronized keyword. In many situations, you can use one of the mechanisms of the java.util.concurrent package that do all the locking for you. For example, on page 48, you will see how to use a blocking queue to synchronize threads that work on a common task.
2)If the synchronized keyword works for your situation, by all means, use it. You write less code and have less room for error. Example 1-5 shows the bank example, implemented with synchronized methods.
3)Use Lock/Condition if you specifically need the additional power that these constructs give you.
Note: At least for now, using the synchronized keyword has an added benefit. Tools that monitor the virtual machine can report on the implicit locks and conditions, which is helpful for debugging deadlock problems. It will take some time for these tools to be extended to the java.util.concurrent mechanisms.
2. Monitors
The locks and conditions are powerful tools for thread synchronization, but they are not very object oriented. For many years, researchers have looked for ways to make multithreading safe without forcing programmers to think about explicit locks. One of the most successful solutions is the monitor concept that was pioneered by Per Brinch Hansen and Tony Hoare in the 1970s. In the terminology of Java, a monitor has these properties:
~ A monitor is a class with only private fields.
~ Each object of that class has an associated lock.
~ All methods are locked by that lock. In other words, if a client calls obj.method(), then the lock for obj is automatically acquired at the beginning of the method call and relinquished when the method returns. Because all fields are private, this arrangement ensures that no thread can access the fields while another thread manipulates them.
~ The lock can have any number of associated conditions.
However, a Java object differs from a monitor in three ways:
~ Fields are not required to be private.
~ Methods are not required to be synchronized.
~ The lock has only one condition.
This disrespect for security enraged Per Brinch Hansen. In a scathing review of the multithreading primitives in Java, he wrote: "It is astounding to me that Java's insecure parallelism is taken seriously by the programming community, a quarter of a century after the invention of monitors and Concurrent Pascal. It has no merit." [Java's Insecure Parallelism, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 34:3845, April 1999]
3. Synchronized Blocks
Recall that each object has a lock. A thread can acquire the lock in one of two ways, by calling a synchronized method or by entering a synchronized block. If the thread calls obj.method(), it acquires the lock for obj. Similarly, if a thread enters a block of the form

synchronized (obj) // this is the syntax for a synchronized block
critical section
then the thread acquires the lock for obj. The lock is reentrant. If a thread has acquired the lock, it can acquire it again, incrementing the hold count. In particular, a synchronized method can call other synchronized methods with the same implicit parameter without having to wait for the lock.
It is legal to declare static methods as synchronized. If such a method is called, it acquires the lock of the associated class object. For example, if the Bank class has a static synchronized method, then the lock of the Bank.class object is locked when it is called.
4. Volatile 域
~ 多处理器的计算机会临时地在寄存器或缓存中存放数据,因此在不同处理器上运行的线程可能会从同一个内存区域获得不同的值。
~ 编译器为了提高效率,会重新排列指令顺序。但它们在操作时假设只有当有明确的更改指令时,内存数据才会改变。然而,实际上该数据有可能被另一线程修改。
Brian Goetz指出了应该何时使用同步:当你更改了某个下次可能会被其他线程访问的变量,或者访问了一个上一次可能被其他线程修改的变量,你就必须使用synchronization。
public synchronized boolean isDone() {return done;}
private boolean done;
public boolean isDone() {return done;}
private volatile boolean done;
~ volatile字段
~ final字段,并且在构造器完成后就被修改。
~ 访问操作被锁保护
5. 锁死 Deadlocks
1)帐号1: $2,000 帐号2: $3,000
帐号1: $1,990 其余帐号都是 $990
线程1: 从帐号1转$995到帐号2
其余线程: 从自己的帐号转出$995到其他帐号

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3.1 Java notes - Synchronization

Posted on 2007-04-22 20:25 ZelluX 阅读(358) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: OOP
2007-03-01 16:26:54
