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Posted on 2009-05-20 08:58 zolly 阅读(324) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏

PRPC includes PAL, DB trace, SMA, Tracer and related tools:

1. PAL
stands for Performance Analyzer, it is a tool which should be used to gain insight into where the system is spending resources; use PAL to determine if there are resource issues impacting performance, or may begin to do so when more load is added to the system.

2. DBTrace
helps developers understand the details of the database interactions. (It is easy for a database to become a performance bottleneck – this tool raises the visibility of the database processing.)

3. SMA
is a flexible and powerful tool to monitor system operations is needed; uses Java Management Extensions (JMX) to track the system functions.

Please refer to: http://pdn.pega.com


# re: PRPC的一些性能相关工具  回复  更多评论   

2009-05-20 20:15 by jeremy
LoadRunner已经被证明可以运用于PRPC Application之中。这是一个选择。
此外,实际的项目中,我们遇到过static context方面的性能问题,例如js,css的传输瓶劲,这可能和Apache的性能有关,可以关注一下Apache性能相关的分析策略。

