from Hytxbz h,Tgbzk t where h.hytxbzid=t.hytxbzid and t.bztgid=:bztgid结果我debug去看query.list();是Hytxbz和Tgbzk两个对象的列表,结果并不是我想要的,我改成
from Hybztx h where h.hytxbzid in (select t.hytxbzid from Tgbzk where t.bztgid =:bztgid)还是不行,google一把,发现可以这样写
select h from Hytxbz as h,Tgbzk as t where h.hytxbzid=t.hytxbzid and t.bztgid=:bztgid如果想取得对应属性的话,也可以这样写
select h.hytxbzid from Hytxbz as h,Tgbzk as t where h.hytxbzid=t.hytxbzid and t.bztgid=:bztgid发现in的语句可以这样写

String ids[]=new String[]
String hql= " from com,you.YourPOJO where id in (?)";
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
query .setParameters(ids);
Query setParameters(Object[] objectArray, Type[] typeArray) throws HibernateException;
Query setParameterList(String string, Collection collection, Type type) throws HibernateException;
Query setParameterList(String string, Collection collection) throws HibernateException;
Query setParameterList(String string, Object[] objectArray, Type type) throws HibernateException;
Query setParameterList(String string, Object[] objectArray) throws HibernateException
posted on 2009-01-19 14:40
JasonChou 阅读(22569)
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