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How to make money in open source community?
by lostfire

§         Open source doesn't require you to give your software away for free: If you sell your software, you're simply required to make sure your customers have access to, and can modify, the source code.

§      Services for your own product: Companies sell training, support, documentation, certification that their product will run with a particular piece of hardware or software, and commercial (to sell) add-ons to the main product.

§        Services for other people's products: In the open source world, anyone can offer support for an open source product. Third-party support is one of the key issues that draws individuals and companies to open source.

§         Extending and integrating other people's products: Another facet of third-party service, in the open source model, is that anyone can build add-ons for a piece of software.

§         Providing documentation for other people's products: Writers sell articles, white papers, ebooks, computer books, and other items to help people figure out what's going on.

§         Selling less restrictive licenses: In many cases, if a company wants to use a chunk of free software or open source code in its product without releasing its code to their customers or to the public, it's possible to purchase a less restrictive license from the developer.

§         Gaining contracts based on open work: Many open source programmers find that they're approached by companies that want to write something similar to the programmer's open source product, and are impressed by what this programmer has done.

above from:

update @ my opinion

posted on 2006-07-16 02:01 rd2pm 阅读(1918) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: other

# re: How to make money in open source community?
2006-07-16 04:16 | Jonney
会误导人的~~~  回复  更多评论
# re: How to make money in open source community?
2006-07-16 04:18 | lostfire
updated!3x!  回复  更多评论

